Hyaluronic acid, also called hyaluronan or hyaluronate, is a naturally occurring complex sugar, or glycosaminoglycan, found in the human body in connective, epithelial, and neural tissues.
Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the extracellular matrix of human tissue. Topically applied hyaluronic acid forms an air permeable layer and penetrates into the dermis, thus boosting the elasticity and hydration of the skin. The protective breathable barrier on the skin locks in moisture which gives the skin a youthful appearance.
The cuticular layer of the skin normally contains 10-20% water, however as we age it can drop to below 10%. Hyaluronic acid comes to the rescue with its unique ability to hold more than 1000 ml of water per gram of hyaluronic acid, which is a key factor in allowing the skin to retain more water. Amazingly, hyaluronic acid adjusts its moisture absorption based on the relative humidity in the air. It is the ideal ingredient in skin care products as it adjusts to the skin’s need for a moisturizing effect depending on the relative humidity of seasons and climate of an area. Hyaluronic acid also protects the epidermis by scavenging reactive oxygen species generated by ultra violet light which would normally cause sunspots.
Hyaluronic acid is a major component of skin, where it is involved in tissue repair. When skin is excessively exposed to UVB rays, it becomes inflamed (sunburn) and the cells in the dermis stop producing hyaluronic acid, and increase the rate of its degradation. Hyaluronan degradation products also accumulate in the skin after UV exposure. Hyaluronic acid has tons of medical uses, from treatment of arthritis to wound healing.
As our skin is exposed to environmental pollutants and the sun’s ultraviolet rays, skin cells gradually lose the ability to produce hyaluronic acid. Studies have shown that older skin typically has lower levels of hyaluronic acid than younger skin. As a result, skin tissue becomes dehydrated and the collagen and elastin fibers lose their structure, resulting in a loss of skin volume, formation of the facial wrinkles and folds. When used in skincare, hyaluronic acid dramatically improves skin’s hydration.
As a complex sugar, hyaluronic acid is an excellent humectant. It retains water like a sponge, absorbing more than 1,000 times its weight. By attracting and maintaining water in upper and lower layers of the skin, hyaluronic acid increases skin’s volume and density. Hence the smoothness. Hyaluronic acid is also involved with the transport of essential nutrients to the skin cells and helps prevent age-related loss of collagen and elastin.
JES Organics Ageless Skin Care Line with hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate).
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Recognizes JES Organics
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Recognizes
JES Organics as “Champion”
of Green Personal Care
of Green Personal Care
JES among select companies that formulate personal care products without
harmful chemicals and fully disclose ingredients
Today, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of more than 150 nonprofit organizations working to protect the health of consumers and workers by eliminating dangerous chemicals from cosmetics, recognized YOUR Company as a Champion in the area of green personal care. In achieving Champion status, JES fulfilled all the goals set out by the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, a voluntary pledge to avoid chemicals banned by health agencies outside the U.S. and to fully disclose product ingredients.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Why is Lyme Disease Not JUST a Tick-Borne Disease Any More?
If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, ALS, MS or have gone undiagnosed with a chronic affliction, please read this article.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD is well known for his successful treatment of neurological illness and chronic pain with Integrative Medicine. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/27/dr-dietrich-klinghardt-on-lyme-disease.aspx?e_cid=20110820_DNL_artTest_B1
Here, he shares his latest insights into Lyme disease, including its causes, confounding factors that can make proper diagnosis elusive, and how to get around them, along with his own treatment protocol.
By Dr. Mercola
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD is well known for his successful treatment of neurological illness and chronic pain with Integrative Medicine. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/27/dr-dietrich-klinghardt-on-lyme-disease.aspx?e_cid=20110820_DNL_artTest_B1
Here, he shares his latest insights into Lyme disease, including its causes, confounding factors that can make proper diagnosis elusive, and how to get around them, along with his own treatment protocol.
By Dr. Mercola
Some experts feel that almost everyone has been exposed to Lyme disease and may have it in one way, shape or form. Whether that's true or not is up for debate, but clearly there are those who have it and are severely disabled by it. Dr. Klinghardt—who is one of my earliest mentors in natural health and always on the leading edge—has actually suffered with Lyme disease himself, and as a result, he's passionate about finding effective natural treatments for Lyme.
The Ongoing Discovery of Lyme Disease
It's now been fairly well-established that chronic infection is an underlying factor in most chronic illnesses. Diseases such as Parkinson, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue are all turning out to be expressions of chronic infections.
"Right at the center of that is the ongoing discovery of Lyme disease," Dr. Klinghardt says.Lyme disease has recently received a new definition. It now refers to illnesses transferred by insects, as opposed to simply a tick-borne disease. Mosquitoes can carry Lyme disease and many other serious infections, as can spiders, fleas and mites.
"Today I take a very different approach to Lyme disease," Dr. Klinghardt says. "I look at it as nature mingling with our genes. They are trying to incorporate their genome into our genome… Most of the time it goes wrong but sometimes it goes well. This is like the point I want to make upfront; that I take this more evolutionary view of it.
… We know that Lyme spirochetes were around for a long time but something happened maybe 30-40 years ago, where the creatures became more aggressive, more penetrating, and more illness-producing than they were before. Some of us suspect it's a man-made element. Some of us suspect that the global warming may play a role in it.
I personally suspect that the exposure to electromagnetic fields in the home and the microwaves from cell phone radiation are driving the virulence of many of the microbes that are naturally in us, and makes them aggressive and illness producing. There is probably evidence for all sides of the discussion."
Why Lyme Disease is So Tough to Diagnose…
Lyme disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose using conventional tests. And there's great variation in the presentation of the disease as well, depending on where you contracted it, and whether or not you have any other coexisting infections. There is a group of seven or eight microbes that are the most common. The worst ones are Babesia microti and the different forms of Bartonella.
"Underneath that, there's often an infection with Mycoplasma. We still don't know if it's really transferred with the same bite or if the people had it all along and become symptomatic when the immune system is suppressed by the spirochetes," Dr. Klinghardt says.
Other than the co-infections, there is what I call the "opportunistic infections." The combined effect of the initial infection is an immune suppressive effect, and then the patient becomes vulnerable to all sorts of other things. The most common things people contract early on in the course if the illness are different forms of parasites, such as protozoa; Babesia itself being one of them.
There is Giardia, amoebas, Trichomonas, malaria, and different forms of infections that aren't labeled yet. There is a new one, called FL1953. Stephen Frye discovered that. It's a protozoan organism that's causing severe fatigue and illness in chronically ill people. It's almost always present in a patient with Lyme disease.
And then we find a lot of worms in people. They may be microscopic and they may be macroscopic. That means they may be visible in the stool or they may not be visible."
Common Presentations of Lyme Disease
The most simple presentation is the orthopedic forms of Lyme disease as they're typically more superficial, affecting the larger joints. Interestingly, Dr. Klinghardt injects ozone into the joint in these cases, which he claims is:
"100 percent effective if the Lyme disease or… whatever the microbe is, lives in the joint and is confined to the joint space. Simply putting ozone in the joint will kill the spirochetes, and often with one, sometimes two treatments, make the joint completely pain free. That's one form of the expression of Lyme."When the microbes and the associated immune reactions are situated in the connective tissue, the infection presents as a "vague, dispersed pain," which oftentimes ends up being labeled as fibromyalgia by conventional doctors. The immunological expression of Lyme covers a wide variety of immune system disorders, typically with some aspect of autoimmunity.
"I did my thesis in 1976 on autoimmune diseases and how the autonomic nervous system interacts with the immune system," Dr. Klinghardt says. "We found then that the determining factor of the outcome of an autoimmune disease was the presence of microbes that were catastrophically unresponsive to antibiotics.The gastroenterological presentation, where you have constant stomach problems, constipation, recurring stomach ulcers and/or indigestion, is very common, especially with the Babesia infection. This is sometimes the direct outcome of pancreatitis or hepatitis, but it can also be due to parasites acquired after contracting Lyme disease. In these cases, aggressive treatment of the parasites typically resolves the problem.
Any autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, we suspect has an underlying level of Lyme disease that needs to be treated appropriately before the patient has a chance to recover from the illness."
"The most startling form of the expression of Lyme disease is a wide variety of neurological illnesses," Dr. Klinghardt says.
"That is what we specialize in… We see a lot of cases with multiple sclerosis (MS)… ALS… [and] everything in between: the chronic fatigued patients, the patient with vague, undistinguishable neurological symptoms, the feeling of buzzing in the head, buzzing on the skin, crawling under the skin…"
How to Diagnose Lyme Disease
Insomnia is one of the key symptoms in many cases of Lyme disease, along with neurological symptoms such as headaches and a wide variety of pain syndromes. But you cannot diagnose Lyme disease on symptoms alone, because they're so varied.
Testing is required, but even that is not a sure-shot…
Most commercial tests designed to detect chronic infections are based on measuring your immune reaction—the presence of antibodies—to the invading microbe. However, one of the primary cells that get infected with Lyme spirochetes are the white blood cells themselves, which is a bit of a game-changer… because if your white blood cells are infected, they lose the ability to produce antibodies.
Hence it is relatively common to get a negative test result…
Dr. Klinghardt refers to this as "the Lyme paradox," because in order to diagnose Lyme disease properly with one of the accepted commercial tests, you have to first treat the Lyme disease, in order for your white blood cells to be able to mount an appropriate immune response. Only then can a lab test be used to detect the presence of Lyme disease.
"An exception to that are the test based on direct microscopy, where you're not depending on the immune responses for the patient," he explains.However, this too has its drawbacks and difficulties. For example, the FISH test for Babesia is done on blood. But Babesia lives in the central nervous system, joints, and connective tissue. It doesn't live in your blood stream, at least not in significant amounts, so it can easily be missed when looking at blood.
To get around the many testing conundrums surrounding Lyme, whenever he suspects Lyme, Dr. Klinghardt treats his patients for Lyme disease for at least six to eight weeks, followed by a Western blot test, which measures immune response. The treatment is initially based on the clinical symptoms presented, along with a form of muscle testing he developed, called autonomic response testing (ART), which incorporates both classical neurological testing and kinesiology.
"It's not related to the applied kinesiology system that's quite distinct," Dr. Klinghardt explains. "It... may look similar… [but] we're looking for very specific reflexes that are connected to very specific illnesses. We arrive at a tentative diagnosis through history taking, through looking at skin signs; palpating the tissues; testing the normal neurological reflexes; orthopedic tests, and then we add the muscle testing as an additional tool."
Tests and Lab Recommendations
Dr. Klinghardt exclusively uses the IGeneX Lab in Palo Alto for his blood tests, and Fry Labs in Arizona for direct microscopy testing.
"I don't have a financial investment in it, but it's the gold standard in our field," he says. "They use two different antigens. The commercial labs and hospitals and so forth, they use one antigen and are notorious in under-diagnosing Lyme disease. We recommend to rather not test it than get a false negative, which will sometimes lead the patient 20 years on the wrong track. With the other co-infections, the detection rate drops way down.An indirect test is the CD57 test. "CD-57" is a specific group of natural killer cells that are particularly damaged by the Lyme spirochetes. Therefore, if your numbers drop to a certain level, it is an indirect indicator that you may have Lyme disease, because the only known infection to suppress CD57 is that of Borrelia burgdorferi.
… We do the FISH test [for Borrelia] at IGeneX Lab. It's a direct microscopy test which has more false negatives than the western blot.
… The leading test for Bartonella that we use is Fry Labs in Arizona. Steven Fry, who does a wonderful direct microscopy test, often comes back positive with the diagnosis of hemobartonella. Hemo means simply blood – Bartonella in the blood. Remember, he's testing the blood where the Bartonella typically does not live. It lives in the nervous system. So if you find it in the blood in small amounts it generally is an indicator that there is a high amount in other tissues in the body."
Normally, your CD57 value should be over 100. If it's lower than that, you're infected with Borrelia. If it's below 60, you probably have both Borrelia and Mycoplasma, and, most likely, some other co-infections.
Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment Approach
Dr. Klinghardt takes microwave radiation and electromagnetic fields very seriously, as it can have a profound impact on Lyme disease.
"One of my primary treatments for Lyme disease is to put people in protective clothing that shields them from incoming microwaves," he says. "We shield the bedside. We turn off the wireless internet at home. We put shielding paint on the houses. That has been a more successful strategy to treating Lyme disease and to get people neurologically well than any of the antibiotics or any of the antimicrobial compounds."He's convinced that the increased virulence we're now seeing is related to the dramatic increase in electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation from cell phones, cell towers, and all manner of wireless technologies. Therefore, EMF and microwave radiation mitigation are part of the standard protocol, as any subsequent treatment of Lyme disease will not be as effective unless these external factors are addressed.
Below is a summarized outline of Dr. Klinghardt's treatment for Lyme disease. For more information and details, please listen to the interview in its entirety, or read through the transcript.
- First, external factors that act upon the body 24/7 are evaluated.
This includes electrosmog, EMF, microwave radiation from wireless technologies, and molds. To test for the presence of mold, he uses the ERMI score, which is a semi-quantitative assessment of how much molds is in your home. The score should not exceed 2. However, most of his patients score between 15 and 20. For more information on mold, Dr. Klinghardt recommends www.SurvivingMold.com.- Once external influencing factors have been determined, they're remediated and mitigated. (For mold remediation, please refer to this previous article.)
To mitigate microwave radiation, Dr. Klinghardt recommends shielding your home with a graphite paint called Y Shield outside, and use special silver-coated cloth for your curtains. These measures will compromise your ability to receive cell phone calls, so depending on your situation, you may opt to shield just your bedroom, or shield your entire home and just use a landline.
All cordless telephones are removed, and patients are instructed to turn off all the fuses at night, until they have recovered from Lyme disease.- Next, the emotional component of the disease is addressed using Energy Psychology tools, including psychokinesiology (PK) which is similar to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), but more refined and advanced..
- Dr. Klinghardt begins the treatment for Lyme disease by addressing parasites, followed by "the Klinghardt antimicrobial cocktail," which addresses the Lyme spirochetes, Babesia, and Bartonella. For more details and complete recipes to all his treatment cocktails, see www.KlinghardtAcademy.com or send an email to info@KlinghardtAcademy.com. Some of the ingredients in his formula include: wormwood (artemisinin)—which has been found to be extremely effective for malaria—combined with phospholipids; vitamin C, and specific herbs.
Lastly, viruses are addressed using a tincture of Native American herbs called Viressence, by BioPure.- Additional lifestyle factors are also addressed, including diet and vitamin supplementation.
A Word on Antibiotics
Conventional Lyme treatment hinges on long-term use of antibiotics. While this treatment can indeed be effective, there are many reasons to opt for alternatives such as those detailed by Dr. Klinghardt, as antibiotics will disrupt your gut flora, thereby exposing you to a whole host of other pathologies.
More Information
In Dr. Klinghardt's experience, the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) is by far the best and most responsible group, so to learn more about Lyme disease, see www.ILADS.org.
"Depending on where you live in the U.S., consider the treatment that is offered to you through a Lyme literate physician. Most of them have been through the training at ILADS and I do recommend that," Dr. Klinghardt says.Again, Dr. Klinghardt provides free access to all his recipes on his web site, so to learn more about his treatment, please see www.KlinghardtAcademy.com.
"But there is a level beyond that, which I'm hoping I'm introducing here. If you just do antibiotics, okay, you just do antibiotics. But if you think more holistically and do the things that I recommend, then you no longer will need to resort to antibiotics because you cover your system on so many other fronts. And with that you're not only treating Lyme disease but you're preventing cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease—you're preventing pretty much all the other things that we didn't know were associated with Lyme.
So by treating the mold, by getting electrosmog under control, by treating the infections, by treating insulin resistance, we are preparing the patient for much happy and healthier longer life, and more productive life, which is of course what I'm hoping for…"
Monday, November 21, 2011
Exciting New Products
We added some Exciting New Products to our Organic Skin Care Line just in time for Organic Black Friday 45% OFF Sale
DMAE is found in foods and can create an almost immediate appearance in the firming and tone of the skin. An intriguing finding in some DMAE studies was that it reduced the accumulation of lipofuscin deposits inside cells. Lipofuscin deposits are cellular pigment consisting of aggregated chucks of molecular waste. It has been demonstrated that DMAE causes some degree of skin and pore tightening. However, it remains unclear how DMAE firms the skin -- whether by stabilizing the membranes, boosting acetylcholine, reducing lipofuscin deposits or none of the above. Whatever the mechanism, the effect of DMAE is often noticeable although seldom dramatic. Besides, even though DMAE can't fully reverse the existing facial sag, it may reduce its further progression. People report a cumulative effect with continued use of DMAE. Naturally occurring substance that facilitates the synthesis of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a compound released from the ends of nerve fibers and it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. DMAE also may stimulate the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, an important component of cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholine is an essential fatty acid that improves and protects cell membranes damaged by free-radicals and improves blood flow and circulation.
- Ageless Mature Skin Toner with DMAE & Antioxidants+
- Ageless Anti-Wrinkle Lip Creme with DMAE/Hyaluronic Acid
- Anti-Aging Hand Cream with DMAE/Hyaluronic Acid
- Natural Organic Purifying Cleanser with Green Tea & Activated Charcoal
- Detoxifying Crème Masque with DMAE & Hyaluronic Acid
- Aromatherapy Bath Salts - GREAT GIFT added to our Bath & Body Line
DMAE is found in foods and can create an almost immediate appearance in the firming and tone of the skin. An intriguing finding in some DMAE studies was that it reduced the accumulation of lipofuscin deposits inside cells. Lipofuscin deposits are cellular pigment consisting of aggregated chucks of molecular waste. It has been demonstrated that DMAE causes some degree of skin and pore tightening. However, it remains unclear how DMAE firms the skin -- whether by stabilizing the membranes, boosting acetylcholine, reducing lipofuscin deposits or none of the above. Whatever the mechanism, the effect of DMAE is often noticeable although seldom dramatic. Besides, even though DMAE can't fully reverse the existing facial sag, it may reduce its further progression. People report a cumulative effect with continued use of DMAE. Naturally occurring substance that facilitates the synthesis of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a compound released from the ends of nerve fibers and it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. DMAE also may stimulate the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, an important component of cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholine is an essential fatty acid that improves and protects cell membranes damaged by free-radicals and improves blood flow and circulation.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
ORGANIC Black Friday - 45% OFF Natural Organic Products
Black Friday SALE! Fantastic SAVINGS of 45% OFF Natural Organic Products in the comfort of your own home without the hassle of lines and crowds.
JES Organics is celebrating 5 years in business this month and want to reward our loyal customers with this great opportunity !
From midnight Thanksgiving (November 24th) to midnight on Black Friday (November 25th), use coupon code BLACK for 45% off Natural Organic Products. Limit one coupon per customer.
This is a unique opportunity to buy great products for yourself, your family, loved ones and gifts for the holidays. We have a complete line of Natural Organic Products for the whole family, household and for pets. FREE Shipping on orders over $100
Paraben FREE, Sulfate FREE, Fragrance FREE, Non-Toxic Products.
JES Organics is celebrating 5 years in business this month and want to reward our loyal customers with this great opportunity !
From midnight Thanksgiving (November 24th) to midnight on Black Friday (November 25th), use coupon code BLACK for 45% off Natural Organic Products. Limit one coupon per customer.
This is a unique opportunity to buy great products for yourself, your family, loved ones and gifts for the holidays. We have a complete line of Natural Organic Products for the whole family, household and for pets. FREE Shipping on orders over $100
Paraben FREE, Sulfate FREE, Fragrance FREE, Non-Toxic Products.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
USDA Certified 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate
JES Organics is now carrying USDA Certified 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate in 4 flavors. On sale now for a limited time. Save $1.50 when you buy 4 bars.
Choice of Flavors: Dark, Dark Mint, Coconut Almond Dark, Hot Habanero Mandarin Dark.
Enjoy Delicious USDA Certified Dark Chocolate with 70% COCOA. Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Kosher Chocolate. Chocolate made from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Cocoa. AND dark chocolate is good for your health. Great way to have a little chocolate fix without the harmful effects of eating milk chocolate or chocolate high in sugar. Great for gifts too!
Rainforest Alliance certification helps people and our planet, promoting a system that provides economic development while protecting the environment for future generations.
Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms support a healthy environment, promote the well-being of farm families and benefit from more efficient farming methods. Certification ensures the protection of ecosystems, including wildlife habitat, forests, water and soil. Farmers also learn better farm management practices that often help them improve their productivity and grow their incomes. By shopping for products bearing the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal, consumers are supporting a more sustainable future for people and the planet. Made from the finest Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa available.
Choice of Flavors: Dark, Dark Mint, Coconut Almond Dark, Hot Habanero Mandarin Dark.
Enjoy Delicious USDA Certified Dark Chocolate with 70% COCOA. Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Kosher Chocolate. Chocolate made from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Cocoa. AND dark chocolate is good for your health. Great way to have a little chocolate fix without the harmful effects of eating milk chocolate or chocolate high in sugar. Great for gifts too!
Rainforest Alliance certification helps people and our planet, promoting a system that provides economic development while protecting the environment for future generations.
Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms support a healthy environment, promote the well-being of farm families and benefit from more efficient farming methods. Certification ensures the protection of ecosystems, including wildlife habitat, forests, water and soil. Farmers also learn better farm management practices that often help them improve their productivity and grow their incomes. By shopping for products bearing the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal, consumers are supporting a more sustainable future for people and the planet. Made from the finest Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa available.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Mental Accuity & Focus - Not just a concern for seniors
Phosphatidylserine is used for Alzheimer's disease, age-related decline in mental function, improving thinking skills in young people, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, preventing exercise induced stress, and improving athletic performance.
How does it work?
Phosphatidylserine is an important chemical with widespread functions in the body. It is part of the cell structure and is key in the maintenance of cellular function, especially in the brain.
Mental Accuity & Focus
CogniCare™ provides a comprehensive cognitive support for neurotransmitters, focus, mental acuity and mood. Each capsule contains the following healthy brain complexes:
NeuroTransmitter Complex™
CogniCare™ provides a comprehensive cognitive support for neurotransmitters, focus, mental acuity and mood. Each capsule contains the following healthy brain complexes:
NeuroTransmitter Complex™
Ultimate Focus Complex™
ProAcuity & Mood Complex™
ProAcuity & Mood Complex™
NeuroTransmitter™ Complex- the key to healthy brain activity. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that enable neurons to pass signals to each other and thus allow the body to function properly. Electrical signals are converted to chemical signals at the synapse. This is known as neurotransmission at a synapse. Healthy neurotransmitter activity is essential in proper brain brain function.
The nutrients included in NeuroTransmitter Complex™, and their respective brain support roles are:
Huperzine A - prevents acetylcholine breakdown, one of the body's essential neurotransmitters. This offers the body healthy cognitive performance support.
L-Glutamine - modulates both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. As it is highly concentrated in the brain and balances other transmitters, L-Glutamine allows the brain to perform in a healthy state.
L-Tyrosine - plays important role in the production of neurotransmitters which regulate emotions.
Phosphatidyl Serine - modulates the fluidity of cell membranes --- essential for sending and receiving messages. Increases communication between cell membranes by increasing the number of membrane receptor sites for receiving messages. Promotes a healthy brain supply of and output of acetylcholine.
Ultimate Focus Complex™
Acetyl L-Carnitine - a neuroprotective nutrient that passes through the blood-brain barrier. Its neuroprotection is derived from its ability to stop the passage of harmful substances into the brain. Acetyl L-Carnitine is a natural inflammatory that enhances the effects of antioxidant systems within the body. It advances the body’s ability to fight oxidative stress. It is essential in maintaining healthy mitochondrial activity, and promoting healthy glutathione and CoQ10 levels. Acetyl L-Carnitine also works synergestically with alpha lipoic acid, another powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Vinpocetine - promotes healthy blood circulation within the brain.
ProAcuity & Mood Complex™
B-12 (methylcobalamin) - promotes healthy mental acuity and mood function.
B-6 - supports normal memory and verbal function.
30 Day Supply
"When I told my mom that I was having trouble with concentration and focus in school, my mom recommended CogniCare. I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the best ingredients that I have been able to find through independent research is phosphatidylserine. It is one of the best supplements that you can take in the realm of mental enhancers. Not only was I able to notice an increased ability in the way I manage stress in my daily life, but I was also more and more emotionally stable. In lecture, my ability for taking notes was also enhanced, and I was soon enjoying the perks of a superior short-term memory. Overall, CogniCare is a revolutionary supplement. Its combination of phosphatidylserine with its other ingredients like Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A, enables the supplement to work synergistically for a noticeable improvement in executive function. Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience with others who may be looking for a natural and effective way of clearing the cobwebs from their brains." Fred, Neuroscience Undergraduate Major, UC Berkeley, CA
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take two capsules twice per day with meals or as directed by your health care professional.
If you have low blood pressure, have a history of heart problems, strokes or are using blood-thinning medications, AChE inhibitors, glaucoma or bipolar medications,consult your doctor before using this product. For adult use only. Not for use by pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding women.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Walnuts May Help Lower Breast Cancer Risk
(NaturalNews) A new study conducted by a team of researchers
at Marshall University, and recently published in the journal Nutrition and
Cancer, has revealed that just modest, daily amounts of walnuts are sufficient
to significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in mice.
What we put into our bodies makes a big difference, it determines how the body functions, our reaction to illness and health. The simple stuff really works: eat right, get off the couch, and turn off the TV. The results of her study stand to support her claims: the mice that were fed small amounts of walnuts had developed cancer at less than half the rate of the mice that had been fed a regular diet.
Moreover, the test mice that did develop cancer eventually had much smaller and less frequent tumors, suggesting than walnuts effectively slowed down cancer progression, even where a genetic predisposition existed. Hardman trusts that the walnuts' high content of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and, more notably, cholesterol lowering phytosterols, is to be credited for these amazing results in mice.
Moreover, vitamin E consumption and breast cancer development seem to be inversely proportional - the more vitamin E the mice consumed, the slower their cancerous tumors developed. Hardman also added that the walnut amounts given to the test group throughout the trial would equate to roughly 2 ounces of walnuts per day for average humans.
While scientific studies such as this one cannot accurately determine whether the health benefits documented are a direct result of something that is added to the diet, rather than of something that is removed from it, Hardman reminds us that additional studies conducted in the past support her hypothesis as well.
Walnuts, especially when raw, have the highest content of antioxidants in all known nuts, in addition to other cancer-fighting substances. At a closer look, Hardman's research team discovered that the very gene activity of the test mice, who were fed walnuts daily, had changed significantly in several areas believed to be relevant to breast cancer development.
Although the information revealed by Hardman's study is, without a doubt, gladdening, other members of the scientific community are still skeptical regarding the extent to which such data is relevant to humans.
Numerous variables, such as smoking, pollution, physical fitness, and lifestyle, make accurate prognoses on humans very difficult, as deputy director of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, D.C, Peter G. Shields observed, reminding us that while beta-carotene may fight against cancer in non-smokers, it is actually detrimental to the health of smokers.
To test the anti-cancer properties of walnuts, the mice
involved in this study were genetically altered to develop breast cancer at an
accelerated rate. The study evaluated the effects of dieting with and without
walnuts, across the entire life-span of two tested groups of mice - one group
was fed walnuts from conception to weaning, through the mothers, and later
received walnuts directly into its daily diet, while a control group of mice
was fed a regular diet, without walnuts.
Elaine Hardman, associate professor of biochemistry at
Marshall's Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, who led this research project,
firmly believes in the possible health benefits of foods, stating that
"food is important medicine in our diet".What we put into our bodies makes a big difference, it determines how the body functions, our reaction to illness and health. The simple stuff really works: eat right, get off the couch, and turn off the TV. The results of her study stand to support her claims: the mice that were fed small amounts of walnuts had developed cancer at less than half the rate of the mice that had been fed a regular diet.
Moreover, the test mice that did develop cancer eventually had much smaller and less frequent tumors, suggesting than walnuts effectively slowed down cancer progression, even where a genetic predisposition existed. Hardman trusts that the walnuts' high content of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and, more notably, cholesterol lowering phytosterols, is to be credited for these amazing results in mice.
Moreover, vitamin E consumption and breast cancer development seem to be inversely proportional - the more vitamin E the mice consumed, the slower their cancerous tumors developed. Hardman also added that the walnut amounts given to the test group throughout the trial would equate to roughly 2 ounces of walnuts per day for average humans.
While scientific studies such as this one cannot accurately determine whether the health benefits documented are a direct result of something that is added to the diet, rather than of something that is removed from it, Hardman reminds us that additional studies conducted in the past support her hypothesis as well.
Walnuts, especially when raw, have the highest content of antioxidants in all known nuts, in addition to other cancer-fighting substances. At a closer look, Hardman's research team discovered that the very gene activity of the test mice, who were fed walnuts daily, had changed significantly in several areas believed to be relevant to breast cancer development.
Although the information revealed by Hardman's study is, without a doubt, gladdening, other members of the scientific community are still skeptical regarding the extent to which such data is relevant to humans.
Numerous variables, such as smoking, pollution, physical fitness, and lifestyle, make accurate prognoses on humans very difficult, as deputy director of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, D.C, Peter G. Shields observed, reminding us that while beta-carotene may fight against cancer in non-smokers, it is actually detrimental to the health of smokers.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher,
sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She
discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all
walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and
published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green
living in general. In 2010, Michelle created RawFoodHealthWatch.com, to share
with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.Thursday, October 6, 2011
Anti-Aging on Dr. Oz
Did you see the Dr. Oz show yesterday on Anti-Aging? I am happy that they discussed Vitamins A (retinol), C, B3 (Niacinamide) some of our key ingredients in our Ageless Skin Care Set along with DMAE, Hyaluronic Acid and Alpha Lipoic Acid.
Click here to read what these ingredients can do for you skin.
Click here to read what these ingredients can do for you skin.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Experts Estimate 90% of Americans suffer mineral imbalance or deficiency
![]() |
JES Organics now carries Trace Minerals: |
Your body is an intricate circuit board of electric charges and impulses. In order for it to stay balanced and perform at optimum efficiency, you need to constantly replenish yourself with the minerals and trace elements found in ConcenTrace®.* If you are one of the 90% of Americans experts estimate suffer mineral imbalance or deficiency, your body is lacking these essential elements, causing your body to misfire so you feel rundown and tired.*
Power up with ConcenTrace® from Trace Minerals Research. It’s highly concentrated and contains over 72 ionically charged trace minerals that have been extracted from the world’s oldest inland sea, the Great Salt Lake. ConcenTrace® is the perfect solution for replenishing your body with the nutrients you need to maintain optimum health.*
ConcenTrace® is extracted directly from a natural source that took thousands of years to create. Over these thousands of years, the minerals in ConcenTrace® have been broken down to their most natural state where they have become naturally charged, living minerals that are bioavailable and soluble in water.* In addition, the solution is in precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids without synthetically produced compounds or deadly heavy metals.
The ionic minerals in ConcenTrace® also have the power to maintain and even improve the pH balance in your body.* By preventing excessive fluctuations in acid-base balance, the body may be more apt to heal itself from chronic forms of illness.*
ConcenTrace® is so essential to human health that you’ll find it in every one of our quality products. ConcenTrace® is the perfect way to replenish your body with all the elements you need to plug in and recharge.*
An All-Natural Solution of Living Minerals
Uses and Applications
1. Bone - Joint & Health–Taken as directed, many people have experienced dramatic results in improving and strengthening bones, joints and teeth, and eliminating unwanted calcium deposits.*
2. Re-Mineralize Distilled Water–1/4-1/2 teaspoon per gallon for fresh spring water taste.
3. Electrolyte Replacement–Increased energy, vitality, and improved health by replacing and balancing soluble minerals in the body fluids. Soluble minerals are the electrolytes which conduct the body’s electrical energies.
4. Maintain pH Balance in the Body–The most important nutrients in our bodies for maintaining acid-base balance are minerals like those found in ConcenTrace®.*
5. Hair and Skin–Use internally to nourish from within, externally as a rub (Very concentrated. Must be diluted. Keep out of eyes or areas of broken skin unless highly diluted).*
6. Helps Normalize Bowel Functions–Cleansing.*
7. Calcium Assimilation–Reports show that calcium assimilates much better when taken with magnesium. ConcenTrace® is high in magnesium.*
8. Circulatory Health–Minerals play important roles in decalcification, antioxidant and cleansing functions in the body. The heart requires magnesium with every beat. Potassium is used to contract the heart muscle.*
9. Vitamin Enhancement–Complete nutrition is more power nutrition. Vitamins without minerals DO NOT work. Trace minerals help assimilate vitamins.*
10. Gardens and Plants–A study done by Rutgers University and other studies done by the USDA noted the severe mineral imbalance and depletion in American soil. For years many avid gardeners have used ConcenTrace® on their gardens as well as in the flower beds. It is also very beneficial to house plants when diluted with water. See the difference in your plants.
11. Pets–Ever noticed your pet eating grass or dirt? More than likely your pet is lacking essential minerals. For years, pet owners have added ConcenTrace® to their pet’s food and water.
12. Athletic performance–There are many examples of improved athletic performance including improved cardiovascular performance to improved blood serum nutrients.*
13. Body Building–A study of a number of international body builders using ConcenTrace® reported excellent results.*
14. Add to Carbonated Beverages–A recent study has shown that a few drops per glass balances soda pop to greatly reduce the potentially harmful effects of carbonation.
15. Magnesium Supplement–One of the highest quality, least expensive, most assimilable magnesium supplements on the market.*
16. Cooking–Studies show mineral depletion in our soils. We frankly are not getting the minerals in the foods we eat. ConcenTrace® remineralizes these foods and adds flavor.*
17. Magnetize your water (Reverse Osmosis, Distilled water cannot be magnetized without adding in minerals). Purchase Ceramic Magnet and set you water on this magnet. The water with minerals will hold the magnetic charge for up to 48 hours.
Vegan, Kosher, Gluten Free
statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Avoiding Artificial Sweeteners? This Study Will Surprise You...
By Dr. Mercola
For those of you who are aware of the health dangers posed by artificial sweeteners and dutifully avoid them, the featured study findings may come as a shocking surprise...
Researchers have found that the artificial sweetener sucralose (Splenda) is a widespread contaminant in waste water, surface water, and ground water. In a recent test, water samples from 19 U.S. drinking water treatment plants serving more than 28 million people were analyzed for sucralose. The sweetener was found to be present in:
The average amounts of sucralose in source water and finished water was 440 ng/L and 350 ng/L respectively.
- The source water of 15 out of 19 of drinking water treatment plants tested
- The finished water of 13 out of 17 plants, and
- In 8 out of 12 water distribution systems
According to the study:
"Further, in the subset of [drinking water treatment plants] with distribution system water sampled, the compound was found to persist regardless of the presence of residual chlorine or chloramines ... The results of this study confirm that sucralose [is] an indicator compound ... for the presence of other recalcitrant compounds in finished drinking water".Recalcitrant compounds are organic or synthetic compounds that resist being broken down by chemical processes, such as those employed by water treatment facilities. This is troublesome, particularly as sucralose can be quite detrimental to human health, and the contamination appears to be very widespread in US water supplies.
Sucralose Destroys Healthy Bacteria
Three years ago, an animal study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health reported that sucralose:
The fact that Splenda can destroy up to 50 percent of your healthy intestinal bacteria is truly disturbing as these help maintain your body's overall balance of friendly versus unfriendly micro-organisms, and support your overall immunity and general health. Many people are already deficient in healthy bacteria due to choosing highly processed foods, which is why a high-quality probiotic is one of the very few supplements I recommend for nearly everyone. And now we discover that this artificial sweetener also contaminates a majority of US municipal water supplies as well...
- Reduced the amount of good bacteria in the animals' intestines by 50 percent
- Increased the pH level in the intestines
- Contributed to increases in body weight, and
- Affected P-glycoprotein (P-gp) levels in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected. In terms of human health, this P-gp effect could result in medications used in chemotherapy, AIDS treatment and treatments for heart conditions being shunted back into your intestines, rather than being absorbed
- Is absorbed by fat cells (contrary to previous claims)
Splenda has NEVER Been Proven Safe for Human Consumption
Did you know that only two human trials on sucralose were completed and published prior to the FDA approving Splenda for human consumption? And these two trials included a total of 36 human subjects. Worse yet, the longest running trial lasted only four days, and looked at sucralose in relation to tooth decay, not human tolerance. As for determining the absorption of Splenda into the human body, a mere eight men were studied. Based on that singular human study, the FDA allowed the findings to be generalized as being representative of and regarded as "safe" for the entire human population!
This is a potentially devastating mistake, as some groups are far more susceptible to adverse effects than others, such as infants, the elderly, and the chronically ill.
You've probably heard the claims that the FDA has reviewed over 100 studies on Splenda and are satisfied that it's a safe product, but what you don't hear is that most of those studies were on animals, and that they actually revealed plenty of problems! For example, some of these studies revealed:
- Decreased red blood cells -- sign of anemia -- at levels above 1,500 mg/kg/day
- Increased male infertility by interfering with sperm production and vitality, as well as brain lesions at higher doses
- Enlarged and calcified kidneys
- Spontaneous abortions in nearly half the rabbit population given sucralose, compared to zero aborted pregnancies in the control group
- A 23 percent death rate in rabbits, compared to a six percent death rate in the control group
It May be Made from Sugar, But it's Nothing Like it...
Don't let the name fool you. Sucralose is NOT some magical calorie-free sugar, despite Splenda's famous slogan, "Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar." It is in fact a chlorinated artificial sweetener cooked up in a factory, and scores of consumers have testified to its devastating effects. It does start off as a sugar molecule—to which three chlorine molecules are added. At the end of the patented process, the chemical composition of the sugar has been altered to the point that it's actually closer to DDT and Agent Orange than sugar.
This type of "sugar" molecule does not occur anywhere in nature, and therefore your body cannot properly metabolize it. This is why Splenda is advertised as having "zero calories"—because your body cannot digest or metabolize it. Essentially, it passes right through you. Or at least that's the claim. However, according to the available research, between 11-27 percent of sucralose is in fact absorbed into your digestive system, and according to the study mentioned above, it is also absorbed into your fat cells.
The question then becomes, just what kind of impact might a DDT- or Agent Orange-like molecule have on your health?
Furthermore, few people realize that only about one percent of that packet of Splenda is actually sucralose. The remaining 99 percent is maltodextrin—a type of sugar! Each packet actually has four calories, but because the amount of sugar is less than one gram, they get away with saying it has "no calories" due to a loophole in the labeling law.
Common Side Effects of Sucralose
Just like other artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame), sucralose can wreak havoc on your health. The personal testimonials on my site alone, submitted by people who have suffered adverse reactions to Splenda, surpass the number of people that were formally studied in the research submitted for FDA approval. The web site www.truthaboutsplenda.com also lists consumer complaints from Splenda consumption.
Some of the most common symptoms, usually noticed within a 24-hour period following consumption of Splenda products, include:
Gastrointestinal problems: bloating, gas, pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea | Seizures | Blurred vision | Blood sugar increases |
Headaches and migraines | Dizziness | Allergic reactions, including swelling of the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, or throat | Weight gain |
Allergic skin reactions: Redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping, crusting, rash, eruptions, or hives | Breathing problems: wheezing, tightness, cough, or shortness of breath | Stuffy nose, runny nose (clear, thin discharge), sneezing | Heart palpitations or fluttering |
Joint pains and aches | Bloodshot, itchy, swollen, or watery eyes | Anxiety or sensation of being "spaced-out" | Depression |
How is Splenda Ending up in Drinking Water?
Well, its presence in water supplies may very well be a sign of just how prevalent its use is, because as revealed in that one absorption study, sucralose is expelled in urine and feces pretty much unaltered... I'm not sure which is more concerning, the thought that so many people use and excrete Splenda that it's becoming a drinking water contamination hazard, or that sucralose is so persistent—so difficult to break down that it can pass right through your body, and go through chemical water treatment, and STILL be present to have another go through the system of another unsuspecting person having a drink of water!
The other issue to remember is that many researchers believe sucralose has an element of fat solubility so you wind up storing some of it in your fat; certainly more if you are drinking ever increasing concentrations in your tap water. Remember this chemical is in the same class as DDT and Agent Orange, and we have NO long term toxicity studies done on this as they were not required.
Avoiding sugar is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, but, instead of consuming a naturally low-sugar diet based on whole foods, some people are still trying to have their cake and eat it too. Unfortunately, the belief that artificial sweeteners can allow you to have the best of both worlds is a carefully orchestrated deception. So if you're still consuming artificially sweetened foods, snacks and beverages because you think it'll help you manage your weight, please understand that you've been sorely misled.
In reality, "diet" foods and drinks destroy your body's ability to count calories and actually promote weight gain. For example, drinking diet sodas has been found to double your risk of obesity! Complicating matters further, artificial sweeteners also appear to be highly addictive. It's important to understand that sugar cravings is typically a sign that your body needs fuel. Using artificial sweeteners will NOT trick your body into thinking it has had its fill. Instead, artificial sweeteners can increase sweet cravings because your body didn't get the energy boost it was expecting from that sweet taste.
If you're determined to sweeten your foods and beverages, I urge you to consider using stevia extract—a safe and natural sweet herb. Avoid stevia-based sweeteners like Truvia and PureVia however, as these do not contain the whole stevia plant, which may compromise its safety.
How to Remove Splenda From Your Drinking Water
Remember that Splenda is not the only contaminant in your water supply. There are loads of drugs in your water that wind up there the same way Splenda does. A reverse osmosis system will not only remove Splenda but nearly every other drug and contaminant from your water. A carbon filter will also work to remove Splenda and other contaminants but it is not quite as effective and will require you to reduce the rate of flow through the filter media. The more carbon you have that contacts the water, the more effective it will be.
Source: Environmental Science and Technology August 31, 2011
Source: Green Med Info
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Resveratrol and vitamin D synergistically team to boost metabolism and prevent obesity
Monday, September 19, 2011 by: John Phillip
(NaturalNews) Resveratrol has been on the nutritional radar of researchers because of its proven ability to mimic some of the life-extending characteristics provided by calorie restriction as seen in animals and humans alike. Scientists publishing in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research draw a solid link between resveratrol, vitamin D and other phytonutrients as agents that may lend a helping hand in the life-threatening battle against overweight and obesity.
Researchers document the newly discovered effect of the nature-derived nutrient on lipid metabolism, and they demonstrate that supplementation along with the sunshine vitamin and quercetin synergistically decreases the formation of new fat cells in the body. This finding is significant because it may provide a critical metabolic aid to children and adults that suffer the health-damaging effects of obesity every day. Further evidence exists to hail the trio in the genesis of osteoblasts in bone marrow that may offer a new therapy for osteoporosis that affects the mobility of millions of aging adults.
Scientists studying metabolism in aging adults have found that stem cells differentiate in favor of adipocytes (fat cells) and to the exclusion of osteoblasts (cells necessary for the formation of new bone). This means that as we age, our body has evolved to store fat as an aid to our survival. As metabolism slows, we continue to eat the same number of calories that helps to fill the newly acquired adipocytes. While building and maintaining bone structure may sound like a good idea to us, it is not pre-programmed into our genetic matrix.
Development of new fat cells has evolved as a protective mechanism, although the vast majority of older adults really don't need this genetic advantage. Researchers found that supplemented resveratrol, vitamin D and quercetin work together to regulate our genes and down regulate the production of fat cells while boosting the production of osteoblasts. Naturally it is important to practice caloric restriction as we age. Many aging adults will be able to utilize this phytonutrient trio to prevent excess weight gain and the debilitating effects of osteoporosis.
In addition to the well documented anti-cancer and longevity benefits previously ascribed to supplemented resveratrol, health-minded individuals will want to include resveratrol and other phytonutrients as an aid in the fight against abdominal fat accumulation. Researchers concluded: "It should be noted that combining resveratrol with other phytochemicals may provide an extraordinary potential for preventing obesity and osteoporosis. These phytochemical synergies may make possible novel safe, potent and efficacious therapies." Be sure to include resveratrol (25 to 50 mg per day) in your dietary arsenal to assist weight loss and boost metabolism and to prevent bone loss.
Article References:
(NaturalNews) Resveratrol has been on the nutritional radar of researchers because of its proven ability to mimic some of the life-extending characteristics provided by calorie restriction as seen in animals and humans alike. Scientists publishing in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research draw a solid link between resveratrol, vitamin D and other phytonutrients as agents that may lend a helping hand in the life-threatening battle against overweight and obesity.
Researchers document the newly discovered effect of the nature-derived nutrient on lipid metabolism, and they demonstrate that supplementation along with the sunshine vitamin and quercetin synergistically decreases the formation of new fat cells in the body. This finding is significant because it may provide a critical metabolic aid to children and adults that suffer the health-damaging effects of obesity every day. Further evidence exists to hail the trio in the genesis of osteoblasts in bone marrow that may offer a new therapy for osteoporosis that affects the mobility of millions of aging adults.
Scientists studying metabolism in aging adults have found that stem cells differentiate in favor of adipocytes (fat cells) and to the exclusion of osteoblasts (cells necessary for the formation of new bone). This means that as we age, our body has evolved to store fat as an aid to our survival. As metabolism slows, we continue to eat the same number of calories that helps to fill the newly acquired adipocytes. While building and maintaining bone structure may sound like a good idea to us, it is not pre-programmed into our genetic matrix.
Development of new fat cells has evolved as a protective mechanism, although the vast majority of older adults really don't need this genetic advantage. Researchers found that supplemented resveratrol, vitamin D and quercetin work together to regulate our genes and down regulate the production of fat cells while boosting the production of osteoblasts. Naturally it is important to practice caloric restriction as we age. Many aging adults will be able to utilize this phytonutrient trio to prevent excess weight gain and the debilitating effects of osteoporosis.
In addition to the well documented anti-cancer and longevity benefits previously ascribed to supplemented resveratrol, health-minded individuals will want to include resveratrol and other phytonutrients as an aid in the fight against abdominal fat accumulation. Researchers concluded: "It should be noted that combining resveratrol with other phytochemicals may provide an extraordinary potential for preventing obesity and osteoporosis. These phytochemical synergies may make possible novel safe, potent and efficacious therapies." Be sure to include resveratrol (25 to 50 mg per day) in your dietary arsenal to assist weight loss and boost metabolism and to prevent bone loss.
Article References:
More evidence Alzheimer's and other dementia can be prevented: save your brain by preventing diabetes
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 by: S. L. Baker, features writer
(NaturalNews) Currently, an estimated 24 million people world-wide are living with Alzheimer's disease or some other type of the mind and personality-robbing affliction known as dementia. And the numbers keep climbing. But why? Mainstream medicine puts the blame on the fact people are living longer and genetics offers little hope to stop dementia unless Big Pharma comes up with some miracle pill - an approach that so far has failed miserably.
However, now there's evidence much dementia could be triggered by another disease that is often preventable and even reversible with natural health strategies.
A new study just published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, reveals diabetes significantly increases the risk of developing dementia. And type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease which has reached epidemic proportions, is due primarily to obesity and inactivity. That suggests that by taking control of your health with good nutrition and exercise, you may be able to not only prevent diabetes but also dementia.
"Our findings emphasize the need to consider diabetes as a potential risk factor for dementia," said study author Yutaka Kiyohara, MD, PhD, of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, in a media statement. "Diabetes is a common disorder, and the number of people with it has been growing in recent years all over the world. Controlling diabetes is now more important than ever."
The research found people with diabetes were more likely to develop both Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, such as vascular dementia. Vascular dementia results when blood vessels become damaged and interrupt oxygen-rich blood flow to the brain.
In all, the scientists studied 1,017 people age 60 and older who were given a glucose (sugar) tolerance test after fasting overnight in order to test for diabetes. Then, over the course of about 11 years, the research subjects were followed and tested for dementia. During this time, 232 people developed the memory destroying disease. People with diabetes had double the risk for dementia when compared to those with normal blood sugar levels.
These findings remained consistent even after the researchers accounted for other factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol and smoking. The risk of dementia was also higher in people who did not have diabetes, but had impaired glucose tolerance. This "pre-diabetes" condition is also part of a cluster of symptoms (including being overweight, having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood glucose levels) known as metabolic syndrome which has become widespread and is already known to raise the risk for heart disease as well as diabetes - and now dementia can be added to this list.
The new study findings are actually positive because, as NaturalNews as previously covered, there are numerous ways to reduce and sometimes even reverse type 2 diabetes -- by keeping weight under control, exercise and adding specific foods to a healthy diet.
For example, last summer Harvard School of Public Health investigators discovered eating two or more servings of brown rice per week slashed the risk of type 2 diabetes (http://www.naturalnews.com/029143_b...).
In addition, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that adding a daily serving of mixed nuts to the traditional Mediterranean diet (which consists of whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits and olive oil, a moderate intake of fish and alcohol and a low intake of dairy, meats and sweets) is a delicious, natural and effective way to treat metabolic syndrome (http://www.naturalnews.com/025098_n...).
For more information:
(NaturalNews) Currently, an estimated 24 million people world-wide are living with Alzheimer's disease or some other type of the mind and personality-robbing affliction known as dementia. And the numbers keep climbing. But why? Mainstream medicine puts the blame on the fact people are living longer and genetics offers little hope to stop dementia unless Big Pharma comes up with some miracle pill - an approach that so far has failed miserably.
However, now there's evidence much dementia could be triggered by another disease that is often preventable and even reversible with natural health strategies.
A new study just published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, reveals diabetes significantly increases the risk of developing dementia. And type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease which has reached epidemic proportions, is due primarily to obesity and inactivity. That suggests that by taking control of your health with good nutrition and exercise, you may be able to not only prevent diabetes but also dementia.
"Our findings emphasize the need to consider diabetes as a potential risk factor for dementia," said study author Yutaka Kiyohara, MD, PhD, of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, in a media statement. "Diabetes is a common disorder, and the number of people with it has been growing in recent years all over the world. Controlling diabetes is now more important than ever."
The research found people with diabetes were more likely to develop both Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, such as vascular dementia. Vascular dementia results when blood vessels become damaged and interrupt oxygen-rich blood flow to the brain.
In all, the scientists studied 1,017 people age 60 and older who were given a glucose (sugar) tolerance test after fasting overnight in order to test for diabetes. Then, over the course of about 11 years, the research subjects were followed and tested for dementia. During this time, 232 people developed the memory destroying disease. People with diabetes had double the risk for dementia when compared to those with normal blood sugar levels.
These findings remained consistent even after the researchers accounted for other factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol and smoking. The risk of dementia was also higher in people who did not have diabetes, but had impaired glucose tolerance. This "pre-diabetes" condition is also part of a cluster of symptoms (including being overweight, having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood glucose levels) known as metabolic syndrome which has become widespread and is already known to raise the risk for heart disease as well as diabetes - and now dementia can be added to this list.
The new study findings are actually positive because, as NaturalNews as previously covered, there are numerous ways to reduce and sometimes even reverse type 2 diabetes -- by keeping weight under control, exercise and adding specific foods to a healthy diet.
For example, last summer Harvard School of Public Health investigators discovered eating two or more servings of brown rice per week slashed the risk of type 2 diabetes (http://www.naturalnews.com/029143_b...).
In addition, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that adding a daily serving of mixed nuts to the traditional Mediterranean diet (which consists of whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits and olive oil, a moderate intake of fish and alcohol and a low intake of dairy, meats and sweets) is a delicious, natural and effective way to treat metabolic syndrome (http://www.naturalnews.com/025098_n...).
For more information:
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A Special Interview with Cherie Calbom who Recovered from Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
CC: Cherie Calbom
Hello everyone. This is Dr. Mercola. I’m joined today with Cherie Calbom who is really an expert in juicing. We’re going to engage in a discussion for awhile and answer some of the questions that have been submitted to us. We’re going to talk about juicing. It’s a really powerful tool that you can use to implement into your lifestyle to help accelerate your progress towards optimal health.
I first became excited about juicing when I was in practice and had a patient come in who was in her 60s or maybe even 70s and she looked like she was in her 40s. She attributed most of her youthful appearance to juicing. I said, this is something that I’m going to do so I started juicing back then. I made a bunch of mistakes. I’m sure we’ll review some of those here. And then I stopped juicing for awhile because I was following more of a really rigid nutritional typing program but you still can implement it. We’ll talk about that too.
Now, I’ve been juicing again and I typically juice on the weekends because of my schedule. So three days out of the week, I’m juicing. Ideally, I think it should be everyday but we’ll discuss some of those options.
Cherie, why don’t you let us know what your background is, how you became interested in juicing and tell us a little bit about your program.
CC: Thank you for inviting me here -- my favorite topic on Earth. I’m known as the Juice Lady. I got the title way back when I started working with the Juiceman company back in ’91 when juicing was just taking its surge.
DM: Is that the Jay Kordich machine?
CC: Yes. I was getting my Masters, completing my Masters Degree in Whole Foods Nutrition at Bastyr University. So I would go out and do the juicing seminars on the weekends and come back and go to school during the week. It was a great, great time of learning but also meeting with people and finding out what their needs were.
I got into juicing way back long before I got into school in Whole Foods Nutrition. I, years ago, had chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia in my late 20s, hypoglycemia, allergies, candidiasis -- a long list of problems and no hope that anybody gave me, seeing doctors, no hope to get well.
I decided I was going to find a way, there had to be a way to get well. So I started going to health food stores and reading. I found an old Norman Walker book, you know, where it had the numbers, one to whatever. It would list B in apple or a carrot or something.So I thought, okay I’m going to design my own program. I got my first juicer and I embarked on this five day vegetable juice cleanse and continued that through three months of juicing. I changed my diet completely. One morning, I woke up and thought somebody gave me a new body in the middle of the night. It was like wow! I felt just completely healed.
DM: So your fatigue had improved.
CC: Completely.
DM: Disappeared.
CC: But along the way, I felt worse before I felt better. No one had talked about the detox reactions. My dad kept saying -- because I had to move home I couldn’t work any longer and I was living there -- he was saying, "I think you’re killing yourself with this juice program." I said, I’m dying on a glass of carrot juice because there is no other hope for me. I was definitely detoxing. But one morning, I felt just brand new and it certainly wasn’t just one day that happened.
DM: How long did it take?
CC: Three months. My body had been cleansing, rebuilding and it just came to fruition one day and I just felt brand new. I thought, wow, that was the best cure on Earth. I slowly started going back to some of the junk food and old way of eating and my symptoms started coming back and it scared the daylights out of me.
DM: Do you know what they call that? In Chicago at least, they call it a clue.
CC: A clue, yes, the light bulb goes on.
DM: Interestingly, it took three months to improve. That happens to be the length of time of the average red blood cells. In three months you should have renewed all your red blood cells. Is that the typical time that you expect most people to see some significant improvement?
CC: Yes, and I work with a lot of people as a nutritionist and it is about three months. Often though, within about three weeks, people will tell me they’re noticing some good improvement, some differences. And along the way, they’ll have some detox symptoms, most people. But in three months, usually most people notice a big change.
DM: That’s an interesting history. Since that time, your health has been maintained. You haven’t really had any major health challenges occurring which could be disabling and crippling. I’ve treated many patients with that and I treated many viewers watching this who suffer with this problem.
CC: It’s very disabling. I couldn’t work. There were some mornings I was so weak and tired, I would be almost crawling down the halls. Some mornings I did. I couldn’t even stand. It was just the most depressing thing thinking I had to live like I felt like I had the flu for the rest of my life. Achy all over. I definitely had the trigger point pain points and just feeling so discouraged about the whole thing and then to have my life back. That quickly totally amazed me. That’s when I said, I got to go back to school and get my Masters and become a credible source of information.
DM: How long have you been working since you’ve had your Masters?
CC: 20 years.
DM: That’s a large amount of clinical experience that you have under your belt that you’ll be able to share with us today which is great.
CC: It’s been a wonderful journey and thousands and thousands of people who have been helped by juicing. My first book, Juicing for Life, I wrote in ’91. It came out in January of ’92. It sold 2 million copies since then. People have contacted me from all over the world saying, this has changed my whole life getting on this program, this live food coming into the body.
DM: The Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet which is your book, a big part of that is really oriented towards one of the major health challenges we have in this country today which is obesity. Technically, over a third, in some cases 30% even 40% of specific States are obese and then two-thirds, rapidly approaching 70% of the United States population. Seventy percent, that is just shocking that 70% of people are overweight.
There are a number of reasons for it. I happen to believe fructose is a big reason. There is this reliance on corn and high fructose corn syrup that’s integrated into all processed foods and obviously lack of exercise. Whatever the cause is, the end result, that’s where we’re at today.
Why don’t you enlighten us as to your experience with using the juicing program for helping someone to reach an optimal body weight. I’m sure our viewers would really love to understand what your experience has been.
CC: I wrote the Turbo Diet because of that. Because I started noticing when people got on this program they were losing weight. People often came to me for other issues.
DM: So it’s an artifact. You didn’t recommend it for weight loss. You recommended it for health benefits, not weight loss.
CC: I did and then I noticed people were losing weight and people would say to me, "Wow, I just lost 3, 4, 5 lbs." They were losing some water and some fat in this one week and they came to me for other reasons. I heard this over and over and over again. So I started looking at what is going on. And then there were two studies last year, I believe it was, Baylor College of Medicine UC Davis, Vegetable Juicing and Weight Loss and they found that the people that included two glasses of vegetable juice a day lost four times the weight of the non-juice drinkers. So I thought that was rather interesting and significant that in that study.
One of the studies, the majority of the people in it had metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance. I found that very interesting. That’s a tougher one to work with and see weight loss results. I’ve worked with a lot of people. A lot of women in particular with that syndrome and it’s a tough one. They were seeing weight loss results with them.
Then I really got excited and that’s when I put this book together giving people the whole program of how to integrate it into your lifestyle, menu plan, shopping list, recipes and what’s going on.
Since that time, I’ve heard from people all across the country who have said, they’ve given this a try and they’re losing weight where nothing was working for them before. But the diet part of the program, I think is important as the juice. It’s low glycemic. It was the diabetic diet originally and then they noticed the people on the low glycemic diet were losing weight.
So I thought, let’s combine the two, let’s combine vegetable juicing and a low glycemic diet and see what we can really accomplish. It’s been the program for me in working with diabetics and insulin resistant, metabolic syndrome people that’s been more effective than anything else that I’ve used. It’s working over and over and over again.
I’ve had so many women contact me lately who just said that they’ve tried everything at their wits’ end and got on this program.
I also include coconut oil because coconut oil does also help with weight loss. Studies on that have shown.
DM: What’s the typical daily dose of the coconut oil?
CC: A college hospital in Nigeria used three tablespoons a day for therapeutic dose to kill the yeast. People often have to work up to that. It depends on how well functioning the liver is.
DM: Because it is a fat and there is 9 calories per gram and a tablespoon is 15 gm…so that’s a lot of calories.
CC: It’s a lot and it depends…that would be too much for me.
DM: It’s over 400 calories just from coconut oil.
CC: That would be too much for me just my body. But a tablespoon a day is great. And use it for cooking. That’s what I do. Any place where you would melt butter, use coconut oil. There are some people who are -- they love the taste of butter, organic pasture raised, but they’re combining it with coconut oil making a spread, a nice blend. That’s an option. It’s a good option. Some people like to do that or olive oil in combo with a little bit of butter.
DM: It’s an interesting combo. I hadn’t thought of that but it would make sense because most of the time you’re going to store the butter in the refrigerator and coconut oil would be a solid in the refrigerator. But if you leave it at room temperature in the summer it’s going to melt quite a bit. That’s the only caution.
CC: Yeah, and then you just got a liquid little puddle there.
DM: Yeah, just put it back in the fridge. That’s an interesting combo. If you put it in toast -- I guess the butter is going to melt on toast anyway. There are some obviously breads that are better than others. You know it’s high on carbs. There are some that would serve well.
CC: So that’s the program and a couple of times a day getting that juice in. What people have told me, has helped them so much is that their appetite has just gone way down, cravings have gone way down. A lot of cravings -- well, it can be so many reasons. If you’ve got candidiasis, sugar cravings it’s the yeast. They’re screaming for more carbs, more sugar.
We often crave what we’re allergic to. There is that huge topic. When we start getting the juices because they are so replete with nutrients it’s really sending a signal to our body that we’re well fed. I believe a lot of times where people think they’re hungry, they’re starved for nutrients. The body is still sending a message, the brain is a sending a signal. We don’t have all the nutrients we need here to do the reactions we need to do.
But when you’ve got a big glass of veggie juice, you’ve got a lot of full complement of nutrients. The body is getting a good message. I think that’s one of the reasons that people notice a lot of the cravings just start going away. So many ladies have said to me. I got in your program and my sugar cravings are just about gone. I’ve had them report back in one week or two. The sugar cravings that just have been climbing the wall, white knuckling it to try and avoid, just gone, like mist before the sun, it just left.
DM: That is really the major challenge for most people are those cravings. So if you can have an effective intervention that really addresses that successfully and is helping you from a health perspective, I think that’s how much better does it get. Typically, what’s the range of amounts of juice that one is consuming on this program that when they’re seeking to implement it for weight loss?
CC: The minimum is 16 oz.
DM: So at least a pint.
CC: Yes, at least a pint a day. Ideally, for a lot of people I found it’s a quart. That has helped them tremendously.
DM: And not all at once. You would split throughout the day.
CC: Yes, split it up. Ideally mornings, some time during the morning, and afternoon. Some people notice the afternoon slump where they feel so tired. They want to go take a nap and of course can’t. Instead of coffee or something sweet, why not have a glass of juice. It picks your body back up and you’ve got sustaining energy for the rest of your day or just before dinner if you want to cut down in your appetite, not eat so much and cut that real strong hunger just before dinner.
DM: So most people, a quart a day. If you’re going to juice that amount juice, my personal recommendation would be to juice it all at once just from a time perspective. And then to use ideally a Food Saver or at least put it in a glass bowl jar filled to the very top so there is no oxygen and put it in the fridge immediately. You’re probably going to retain well over 90% maybe even over 95% of the nutritional value if you do it in that way and to consume it within 12 hours or so.
CC: Yes, that’s my guess too.
DM: I don’t know if there has been formal studies because really one of the most important ones are the biophotonic emissions. We really don’t have the equipment in this country for the most part to do that analysis.
There is a large number of recipes in here. I would strongly recommend using the book and integrating it with your program and doing the juicing because I think it would be really helpful. It’s really inexpensive.
The key thing is the recipes. For myself, personally, I’ve always found that the celery and the cucumbers are really the bulk juice where you get lots of the water from. If you have to, leave the skins on the organic cucumber. It’s going to be a lot easier to juice. And then throw in the deep dark greens and just rotate those as you feel the need to.
If you need some sweeteners you can either use liquid stevia or some frozen cranberries or lemon or limes. That usually is enough to really make the taste issue and the bitterness, really a non-issue for most people. It would be very difficult to find someone who objected from a compliance perspective that they integrated some of those. They’re going to really address almost everyone’s palate.
CC: It does. I’ve worked now with a lot of people and most people say, "Yeah, I can do this." Some people like that little ginger in there for a little extra spice and flavor too. So yes, you don’t have to have a bunch of fruit in there to have good flavor. That’s what it’s all about as I see. What I try to pack into so many of my recipes is flavor because we have a lot of flavor. We feel satisfied along with enough good fat. There is satiety. We feel like we’re satisfied. We’ve had a good meal.
DM: I’m wondering if you can comment on your experience with wheat grass and any recommendations you have on that.
CC: I love wheat grass not the taste but what it does for me. I can feel it as soon as I drink it. You need a masticating type of juicer to do that. You can’t do it in a centrifugal. I’ve tried. It just spins around and shoots the grass out. You’ll taste just a tiny little but you get very little out of it. It’s a waste of money. So you need a masticating type of juicer or buy it at a juice bar, like you said, where they do it fresh for you.
A little shot -- you’re right, a 1 oz shot is 2, 3, 4 dollars depending on which juice bar you go to. It’s so good though. It’s new life. It’s a grass. It’s like a sprout. It’s new life. It’s loaded with chlorophyll and all of these wonderful vitamins and minerals and enzymes and biophotons and some amino acids. It’s just powerful.
DM: It’s usually harvest fresh. You typically get it as a plant. They cut it. It’s just locally harvested, absolutely as fresh as you can get which is not true for almost all the other vegetables unless you have your own garden.
CC:That’s right. I buy flats of it at times. I don’t juice that everyday but when I do, I buy flats of it and I just cut off some, take my knife, cut off some and juice it right on the spot. It is very powerful. I can feel it like right away. They say that the chlorophyll molecule in there is similar to our hemoglobin molecule.
DM: Chlorophyll is the same in any vegetable. It should be but you’re right, there is very little difference. The only difference is the swapping of magnesium for an iron. Well, not only but the major difference is swapping the magnesium for an iron.
CC:Yes. You’re right it is the same everywhere but it’s loaded. It’s so dark green. It’s loaded with this chlorophyll.
I’ve consulted at a center that uses wheat grass juice for people who come and go through this program, 2-1/2 oz twice a day. I’ve seen just amazing things happen for these people drinking wheat grass juice like 5 oz a day, 2-1/2 in the morning and 2-1/2 in the afternoon. Try it. That’s all I can say. Just give it a try.
DM: But be really careful because it is very bitter and most people have major challenges with it. There is something you want to definitely use the lime or stevia to mask the flavor of that.
CC: A little slice of lemon or lime is good.
DM: Actually lemon and lime, of all the fruits, they have virtually no fructose. It’s almost a fructose free fruit. It’s the lowest on the list. So you’re not going to have a problem with that wherein almost like all the other fruits you would.
I’m just personally curious, where do you find these wheat grass flats? Is it like a regular grass where you can cut it and then it grows back and then you harvest it again or once you cut it, it’s gone?
CC: Sometimes once I cut it, it’s gone. But mostly, if it’s a really wheat grass it will grow back and I’ll get a second growing and then after that, I don’t get much more. I buy them from our local co-op. I have to order a flat from them or Whole Foods. You can get a flat from them. You can order it.
Mostly, you see it in containers about this size, you know, a small little container in the stores. We have even one of our other just local chains in our area carries wheat grass about this size. This size, a small one, I get about 2 oz enough for my husband and I each to have an ounce of wheat grass juice. But a flat, I will get juice for several days. I just keep it on the counter. I spray it a little bit a couple of times. Not even everyday but a couple of times during the week and it does beautifully.
DM: Put it in the sunlight.
CC:I keep it up in front of the window and it just does beautifully. It’s fresh as you can get just like you said.
DM: Great. Excellent. We’ll talk about detox in a moment because wheat grass is particularly promoted for that. I’m not sure specifically why but it is -- is the juice bars. In my experience some Whole Foods have juice bars and some don’t. I live in Chicago. The juice bar here is actually a pizza and shake and hamburger -- or actually a regular bar. It’s a regular bar. They serve alcohol there which is shocking. I’m actually considering a campaign to petition them to change that because even if it’s not a major revenue producer, it’s not consistent with health which is their core message.
What is your experience with places like Whole Foods or other juice bars or any recommendations or guidance that you would give our viewers to select the juice bar and things you might look for. Any experience there.
CC: That’s an interesting one that you brought up. Some of the juice bars are selling things that are not even juice. I mean, they’re giving smoothies and they’re claiming that there is all this fresh stuff in there and they’re using frozen, they’re using ice cream or they’re using sweetened yogurt.
DM:Jamba Juice is one.
CC: Yes. It’s not healthy. It’s not even a healthful drink that you’re getting except for the wheat grass juice. Any bar that has the wheat grass and they’re cutting it off fresh -- to
my knowledge, no one is spraying wheat grass. I haven’t read yet that they’re putting any pesticides.
DM: So it’s all organic.
CC:It should all be organic. So that’s fine. Wherever you go no matter where it is. But the rest of it, what is that juice bar using? Are they using organic? It would be good to question them. Are they just getting conventional produce? How fresh is the produce that they’re bringing in?
Most of the juice bars I’ve been to are small. They’re privately run. The people there are so committed like we have right next to the club where I workout. A young guy and his girlfriend started it up and they’re just gung-ho and so committed and everything is fresh and beautiful. They’re making juices right on the spot. It’s delicious and it’s trustworthy.
DM: For those who are time challenged, it’s a convenient way to sort of delegate that responsibility because it takes some time. In your experience, how long does it take if you’re going to start juicing from beginning -- the light pops in your mind, okay it’s time to juice -- to the point where everything is cleaned up and you’re on to doing the next project in your schedule?
CC:I’ve got it down to about 10 minutes.
DM:Ten minutes, that’s pretty good.
CC: If it’s going to take a long time, most people won’t juice. If you can just get things organized as far as your vegetables and fruit -- if you’re using lemons, limes, green apple or some berries, that’s about all, it goes pretty fast. I don’t peel anything. I cut the ends. I only use a couple of carrots. I cut the ends off of those and just scrub them.
I wash everything else quickly and it’s pretty fast. I’ve got it down. A lot of parts of juicers can go right in the upper rack of the dishwasher. Rinse them off and put them there. Many of the parts, you rinse them once and they’re clean. So you don’t even have to put them in the dishwasher.
DM: Let’s talk a little bit now about detox which is one of the reasons why many people juice especially with the wheat grass as you mentioned. It’s my understanding that it really provides the nutrients that accelerate and facilitate detoxification especially in the liver where most of the body’s detox occurs.
What I’ve learned recently though is that about a hundred times more of the toxins are stored in your fat than in your blood. That the vegetable juicing itself isn’t going to help your body eliminate those stored toxins from the fat. That you really need a more aggressive intervention to do that. Detox has always been a challenge for me. It’s really one of the reasons I haven’t done a lot or actually have a lot of articles on the site because it’s always been somewhat controversial. I recently encountered a clinician, a physician, surgical oncologist, who has a very good detox program. I have found out that actually Hippocrates was doing something very similar.
This is one uses a high dose niacin to cause lipolysis or breakdown of the fat but essentially done in conjunction with some exercise to get the body core temperature up. Then going into a sauna, infrared sauna, for 40 minutes and doing this process like everyday for a month actually causing the body to excrete those stored toxins from the fat. Interestingly, we’ll talk about this too, you can use juicing to help you lose weight and when you’re using weight, hopefully you’re not losing muscle, you’re losing body fat.
Really one of the most important concepts that almost everyone that discusses detox, at least I haven’t seen people discuss it, fail to mention is that one of the most powerful ways is to lose body fat. That’s where your toxins are. If you lose the fat, the toxins disappear. I guess that’s one of the ways that juicing would work is because it helps you lower your body fat.
The other beneficial way because is this accessory micro nutrient that go and help your liver detoxify and actually do the heavy lifting of conjugating them to materials that will either cause them to be excreted in your urine or your sweat because if you have don’t have these nutrients, you can’t do that and then they can cause problems.
But it’s interesting, the sauna in combination with the niacin and exercise is a way to help facilitate that but integrating juicing should be a marvelous component. I know you’ve used it therapeutically and clinically with the people that you consult with and then personally. Maybe you can share with us. That’s my experience, I wonder if you can share your experience on it.
CC: Yes, I’ve used juicing personally to detox. It’s loaded with antioxidants. We need those to bind up the toxins when they start getting released. So people are doing like a juice fast. Some people call it a juice feast. That’s a nice way to look at it, where you’re just drinking juice. There are a lot of questions about that.
You are going to be losing fat and when those fat cells are breaking down and all those toxins are getting released, you need a lot of antioxidants to get them out of your system and render them harmless. That’s where juicing is just powerful.
The beta carotene and other carotenes are wonderful for the liver and a wonderful part of detox. I’ve worked with a lot of people on various cleansing programs that I’ve designed and juicing is a big part of that along with nutrients and herbs to help the liver detox. I wouldn’t be without it. I don’t like just a straight water fast. There are people who talked to me about that. Actually, when I did an internship in our area with a nutritional medical doctor, he had some people coming in that had done just straight water fast and have gotten into major problems because of it.
So I think it’s very important to have our hearty vegetable juices for cleansing or detoxing our bodies. People that do, even though you get symptoms, the Herxheimer reaction they call it, the detox symptoms seem to do a whole lot better when they’ve got the fresh vegetable juices than when they don’t. I love what you were talking about with the sauna detox.
DM: Infrared sauna.
CC: Yes, the infrared. I would like to do one myself. I’ve been reading about that and I’m thinking how powerful to combine it all, to get the fresh juices in there and the infrared sauna and the nutrients.
DM: I think it could be quite dramatic. This physician who I had met recently, actually had a 8-million dollar grant from the government (Department of Defense) to treat Gulf War veterans and 9-11 victims for detoxing. He was actually doing pre and post surgical fat biopsies which is the gold standard. He was finding phenomenal changes. So it’s really exciting.
He had used this niacin. Just for the viewers, if you’re interested -- first of all, 20 to 25 percent of people cannot tolerate niacin. It causes massive flushing. It’s really at the dose that’s used. It’s a vitamin but that the dose he uses is as a drug. It starts at about 100 mg and progresses all the way up to 5000 mg which is a massive dose. You’ll be beet red. I mean, absolutely beet red. You want to progress to this very slowly.
Ideally, and the reason he uses it is that it just helps breakdown the fat and causes the toxins to be released and then facilitating through the infrared sauna, you know, they’re conjugated now. I didn’t get into the details of the accessory micro nutrients he recommends to facilitate liver detox.
That’s really the organ which is responsible for binding these toxins once they’re released. So that you can properly excrete them because if you don’t have those nutrients, your liver is not going to be able to work well but it’s a massively effective program. That’s just something I’m considering doing in the near future too.
You had mentioned the juice fast or feast. I’m probably wrong on this but I’ve personally been opposed to fasting not for everyone but for myself and maybe for you who are strong protein types because of the need for more amounts of protein. Obviously, in the juice fast, you’re getting some protein but pretty minimal.
My concern and fear is that you’re going to have muscle loss too because you’ll lose weight of course but we don’t want to lose muscle. We really want to lose fat. So that’s been my concern and really one of the reasons why I tend not to do it personally. I'm certainly open to the fact that I'm seriously confused on this issue and there just benefits that I'm just not aware of and my concerns are just really not justified. Anyway that's my fear at this point is just losing muscle mass.
CC: Short fast, I haven’t noticed that. Two, three days a lot of people can do. I’m a protein type and I did a five day that one time to kind of kick off my program. It’s wonderful to give your system a rest where your body is not having to work, to breakdown all of this stuff that we eat. When it has a rest like that where it’s just pure liquid, not high fructose stuff but just hearty greens and your vegetables. It gives it such a great rest. It can really begin to work on detox, on repair, on rejuvenation. I’ve done one about every year for three days and I always add in wheat grass.
DM: Do you feel hungry in the fast?
CC: The first day I do. And then the second day, I don’t. The third day, I usually don’t. But then it’s time to start eating and I break that with like a cold soup, raw soup and maybe a dehydrated cracker so it would be all raw to break that. I not just think I’ve experienced it for myself and many people I’ve worked with, giving the system a rest maybe a couple of times a year, is a great idea.
There are a lot of people who like to take one day a week and just give their system a bit of a rest. A nice way to do that is to do an all liquid dinner and a liquid breakfast and lunch and now you don’t feel so deprived. You’ve slept through most of it and yet, you’ve given your system a real rest and a chance to do some cleansing and then just have a really healthy dinner the next night.
DM: So when you’re doing a juice fast, how much juice would you consume during the typical day? Is it a quart, two quarts?
CC:A quart to two quarts. Two quarts is better in my estimation. If you can get wheat grass in there I think that’s just excellent because you’re getting a lot of those nutrients that the body needs. Giving the liver a rest and giving your whole system a rest is a really great idea. But a long juice fast concerns me. There are people who have gone on long juice feasting and that’s where I’m concerned about muscle loss.
DM:Okay, so anything more than a week.
DM: You’d be concerned about that. From a historical perspective, I’m sure our ancestors were far different than we had. Obviously, they didn’t have the food transportation system or food storage system that’s sophisticated that we all really have access to for the most part. There were times of scarcity.
It would seem that we were somewhat designed to go through those and maybe some benefits for it because that’s where our body systems are based on is to expect some intermittent fasting. From that perspective, it seems to make sense. I’ll probably change my position and be juice fasting at some point in the future but right now, I haven’t done it.
With respect to the specific vegetables, we’ve had a number of questions as to have your opinion on the priority of vegetables and sort of maybe list them as to the highest beneficial ones; maybe some of the vegetables that are your top three or five or ten and maybe focus on those.
CC: My top vegetables are the dark greens for sure; again, the collards and Swiss chard, kale. Those are just wonderful. They are at my top.
DM: And really inexpensive. Those are some of the least expensive vegetables you’re going to be buying.
CC:There are vegetables that many people would never eat. Until I started juicing them, I don’t know that I’ve eaten them. I had never done anything with a collard green. I don’t remember doing hardly anything ever with Swiss chard.
DM: The only people in this country outside of people that are juicing would be the African-Americans from the South where they have collard greens. It’s usually cooked of course. So there may be somewhat of a challenge to find it in a lot of grocery stores.
CC:Yes. We’re fortunate where I live. We have them. They may be challenging to find but if you can keep in mind anything dark green is wonderful.
Here is another thing I do, it’s good economy. I save broccoli stems and juice them. I cut them up. I’ve always got broccoli stems. I save the bottom of cauliflower and juice that. I just include it in a juice recipe. It’s great economy. In the summer when you’ve got your fresh asparagus, save the stems. That’s a natural diuretic and it helps to cleanse the kidneys. So I save those.
Ginger root would be right up there at the top just because it’s got the wonderful nutrients and the anti-inflammatory properties. I always have ginger root in my fridge. I always keep lemons because I love the flavor and you’re getting some vitamins C and bioflavonoids. I would peel the lemons because those I don’t find organic too often. That’s where you want to get rid of those outer….
DM: But if you had an organic lemon, you would juice the rind?
CC:You can. You don’t have to.
DM:I thought they’re somewhat bitter.
CC:They are somewhat bitter. It’s not like oranges or grape fruits where you have to peel it. There are some toxic oils in those.
DM:So don’t do oranges or grape fruit.
CC:Never juice those peels. But lemon and lime, I prefer to peel always even if it’s organic. It’s just a little bitter to me, that peel, so I always peel them. I’ve always got lemons around. Then you start going down the list what’s next -- maybe celery. I always have cucumber. I get a lot of juice out of cucumber, it makes me wonderful. It’s like, "Oh, look at all that juice." Plus it dilutes your juice.
DM:And it’s so much better with the skins on if it’s organic.
DM:That’s a major benefit of this interview. Really improve my juicing by keeping those skins on.
CC:Yes, it’s so much easier with those skins. And then, as I head on down the list, if you want a little carrot in there always buy organic carrots. You don’t want to buy conventional with those. They’re so easy find now but they’re usually up near the top of the dirty dozen list.
DM:I don’t think I’ve been in a grocery store in the last few years that hasn’t had organic carrots. They all have it.
CC: They’re easy to find and they’re not very expensive.
DM:They’re really cheap.
CC:I don’t use a lot of them but I use a little bit. It adds a little flavor and you’re getting a lot of carotene out of it. I always have some of those around. Parsley, I don’t always have it but parsley is a great herb to juice. It’s so rich in vitamin C. If you look at the charts, it’s right up near the top -- vitamin C, bioflavonoids. It’s got iron. All your minerals. It’s loaded with chlorophyll. So it’s a great thing to include.
DM:Do you like the curly or the Italian?
CC:I use both. Whatever looks good when I’m shopping. You don’t get a lot of juice out of it if you had a centrifugal juicer. People have to roll it in a big leaf and baby it along and tap it through to get some juice but a masticating juicer, you’re going to get a lot of -- comparatively speaking, you just have a lot of juice but comparatively speaking, you’ll be getting a lot more.
DM: And it’s bright green, lots of chlorophyll.
CC:Yeah. I always feel so good, any chlorophyll. It’s like, here is real life coming into my juice. So those would be my top things and beet greens too. I love juicing beet greens.
DM:Not the beets.
CC:No. Beets are in your medium category of sugars. They’re higher than carrots.
DM:So you can have a little bit. They’re much higher. So you have to be really careful. I don’t particularly care for the taste of beets but a lot of people do and certainly it will sweeten up your juice.
CC:They like them but a little bit. If it’s a little tiny beet, some of them in the summer, the little tiny ones, that’s okay. If you’ve got a great big beet, you just want to cut off a little piece of it. Beet is nice for the liver. It’s a naturopathic liver cleanse but the sugar is too high so you really want to dilute it. But if you’re adding just a little piece of beet and you’ve got a great big cucumber and all your greens, it should be okay.
DM:I just want to emphasize a point you’ve mentioned which was the carrots. You can use them. I occasionally do but in the last month or two, I haven’t used any. My purpose is not to and since I’ve had frustrations, I found the stevia.
But there are a number of people who use large amounts of carrots -- I mean, pounds of carrots --so much so to the point where they actually become orange or yellowish orange. I think it’s not wise to do that for a number of reasons probably overdosing on that but also there is too much sugar.
I wonder what your experience is with the type of therapy -- I think it’s Gerson that uses it for cancer. They use large amounts of carrot juice. Am I correct, is it the Gerson approach?
CC: Yes. Carrot and apple is one of the mainstays of that program. I think they alternate it still. The original Max Gerson program was to have a glass of juice every hour for about 10 hours during the day. They would alternate between carrot-apple and a green blend. Carrot-apple is so much sugar. It could about knock me out with a hypoglycemic reaction.
DM: Or someone with Candida. There is a challenge with that which is you know these yeast -- there are a number of people who know they have it and there is probably 10 times as many people who have it or don’t appreciate that but any fruits would just devastate you.
CC:Yes. Carrot juice as well. Anybody with Candidiasis, I always recommend really limit your carrot maybe one or two with a lot of your greens all diluted down but no more than that. That program is interesting to me, the Max Gerson program because Dr. Gerson had all of these wonderful results. That book Cancer Fifty Cases. 16
I did my Masters thesis actually on nutrition and cancer so that was one of the things that I looked at and studied many different programs. I found it interesting because cancer cells like sugar and here is all these sugar that we’re giving with the carrot-apple and yet he did have wonderful results. But it’s not my recommendation for anybody with cancer or Candidiasis or diabetes or hypoglycemia.
DM: His program, I think there is very few people who would dispute that it worked. I mean, it clearly did. That’s not the issue but it may have worked in spite of the carrot-apple juice not because of it.
CC:That’s what I’m thinking. That people were just so depleted and had such a terrible diet and then got on this wonderful live foods diet that it did. It worked in spite of and then they had the balance though of the greens. I would have liked to have seen it all put together. If you’re going to have that in one glass, it would have diluted things way down.
DM:Sadly, he passed away awhile ago so we can’t interview him to get his feedback on that but it would have been wonderful to have his insights. We could just speculate at this point.
CC:Yes, that’s right. Now that we’re talking about cancer, my recommendation always for everybody that I’ve worked with is to get those sugars way down in your diet and just no sugar at all, no fruit except for lemons and limes and a lot of vegetables and vegetable juices.
DM: I couldn’t agree more. There is two primary issues with cancer, well three actually. The basic principle is it’s a lot easier to prevent it than it is to treat it. It’s just so much easier. You can prevent almost all cancers. I’m firmly convinced that if you follow a healthy lifestyle you will be virtually immune to any cancer. That’s my belief. I could be wrong but that’s my belief. So that’s the big principle, prevention.
The second one would be vitamin D. You don’t have to swallow it. Ideally you should get it through the sun, you know, adequate sun exposure in enough skin, because if you just go outside like this with my hands and my face exposed and that’s it, it’s not going to work. I mean, I need to take my shirt off, wear shorts and be in the sun for an hour or two to get enough sunshine.
Optimal vitamin D levels and normalizing your insulin levels. You’re not going to do that with fruits. You just aren’t. I mean, some people will tolerate it but you know, having a lot of fruit is going to decrease your insulin sensitivity and as a result, your insulin levels will rise as with your blood sugar which tends to accelerate most malignancies. I mean, Dr. Warburg got actually a Nobel Prize for that in the 30s. It’s definitely something to look at. 17
With respect to these vegetables, I’m wondering if you can comment. The deep greens, I couldn’t agree more. The deeper the better and you get a little variety in there, you don’t want to do the same thing.
I want to point in this variety because when I first started juicing in the 90s, I had a garden. I grew a garden and just harvested. One of the things I grew was Swiss chard. At the time, I didn’t know it, I planted a lot of Swiss chard. A Swiss chard is an interesting vegetable because you can actually harvest it and it will grow again. You can get lots of harvest from one plant. It’s just a phenomenal plant. You can get tons of Swiss chards.
I was juicing lots of Swiss chard fresh from my garden everyday for weeks, maybe months it was, I don’t remember. As a result, I actually developed a sensitivity to it now to the point where even the look of Swiss chard, I get nauseous. I guess the caution here is that -- generally, not just my experience but in general, if you consume a food even a very healthy food for awhile you can get into problems. So the variety issue. So if you can comment on that.
CC: Yes. Rotate. That’s my suggestion all the time, rotate your vegetables. Try different recipes and different things. So you might for awhile see that black dino kale is in the store so you’re having that for awhile but then you’re moving on and having something else. So I kind of rotate. I have some collards then I have black dino kale or other, the curly kale or the chard. I rotate things around. It is a great idea to rotate things.
There are some things that are kind of my mainstay. They seem to be a kale, a little cucumber, a little lemon and ginger. But the more that we can rotate the better because you’re right, you can develop a sensitivity if you just do something so much all the time. I noticed on the questions that people have sent you. One lady had said she does, I think it was carrot-apple and something else every single day. Not probably the best idea to that every single day.
DM: Even from the fact not the sensitivity but the issue of so much fructose. One of the questions with the juicing is the foaminess that’s in the juice. Some people objected to the foaming so I’m wondering if you can have any comments on that.
CC:Well the centrifugal juicers seem to produce more foam because they’re getting more air, more oxygen in there. All of them produce some foam for sure. Most of the masticating juicers have little screens on top of the container to kind of catch that foam and you just rinse that off throw that away. Some people absolutely do not like the taste of that. They can’t stand it in their juice. Other people like it. Some people dump the foam back it, caches it and they dump it back in. I’m not worried about the foam. You’re right about the masticating. You’re going to get less because you’re not going to get as much air in there.
DM: I’ve heard people who that’s an issue or concern, you can if your juicer doesn’t have a screen you can use a little filter screen.
CC: Or like a tea strainer with the handle.
DM: You just pour the juice through that and actually use clean finger because the juice will tend to back up and you can kind of squash it through that and get rid of the foam if that’s an issue for you.
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