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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trans Fatty Acids (TFA’s)

(NaturalNews) There is so much media hype from the mainstream media and leading health authorities, including the naturopathic community, suggesting the many ill effects of consuming Trans Fatty Acids (TFA’s) that the topic of the Great Fat Debate deserves a closer look for the sake of our heath and understanding.

Whilst there is unanimous agreement that TFA’s are problematic and are to be avoided at all costs, some explanations are confusing at best or misleading at worst. It is time for more clarity so we can all choose the fats that are good and avoid those that are bad.

Let’s look at some of these warnings:
Rekha Balu, writing for the Wall Street Journal, states that TFA’s are like saturated fats “which raise bad cholesterol, causing a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries.” That is incorrect as saturated fats raise both the good and the bad cholesterol and they do not cause fatty deposits in the arteries. An under-active thyroid coupled with stress and a diet high in polyunsaturated oils cause a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries.

Lynn Roblin, writing for the Toronto Star, advises consumers to avoid TFA’s by consuming more vegetable oils, such as olive oil and canola oil, in preference to butter and coconut oil. Let’s remember that vegetable oils such as canola and safflower are rich in omega-6 fatty acids which have now been proven to cause oxidation of our cells. This reaction leads to inflammation which in turn promotes degenerative conditions and premature aging.

Harvard nutritionist Frank Hu, featured in an article for the Washington Post, says butter is better than margarine, but tub or liquid margarine made from commercial vegetable oils is “a more healthful choice than butter.” What Mr. Hu is promoting is the omega-6 fatty acids which have been hydrogenated and these are technically TFA’s. Quite confusing indeed!

Why is there so much confusion amongst health authorities in relation to fats?
This is because in 1961, the American Heart Association published its first dietary guidelines aimed at the public. The authors, Dr. Ancel Keys, Irving Page, Jeremiah Stamler and Frederick Stare, called for the substitution of polyunsaturated oils for saturated fat. This was put forth even though Keys, Stare and Page had all previously noted in their published papers that the increase in Heart Disease was due to increasing consumption of vegetable oils. The 1961 report did not publish this fact, even after a 1956 paper by Dr. Keys suggested that the increasing use of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (which is what TFA’s technically are) is one of the culprits in the heart disease epidemic.

Why was Dr. Keys report ignored?
For obvious economic reasons the vegetable oil industry then squashed the reports on the dangers of vegetable oils and stealthily began their phony attack on making saturated fats - meat, eggs, cheese, butter and coconut oil responsible for heart disease.

In actuality, saturated fats are shown to help in preventing heart disease. If we examine the health statistics along with the research on saturated fats consumption from the nations that consume large amounts of saturated fats in their diet, we find that they are among the healthiest nations /tribes/cultures in the world. Herein lies the big ‘fat’ confusion.

Let’s look closer at the FAT debate:
TFA’s are typically found in processed foods such as cookies, margarine, fried foods, fried potatoes, potato chips, crackers, breaded chicken, and fast food. McDonald’s has admitted its french fries contain a third more TFA’s than they had thought. In New York City, there are hefty fines imposed upon restaurants if they are not compliant with avoiding TFA’s in their cooking; this ordinance took effect as of July 2007.

Polyunsaturated Fats Defined
Polyunsaturated oils are liquid at room temperature. Polyunsaturated fats such as Safflower, Corn, Sunflower, Soybean and Cottonseed Oils all contain over 50% omega-6 fatty acids. Safflower oil contains almost 80% omega-6. Researchers have now discovered there are dangers in consuming more of omega-6 oils in our diet then we need. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (the essential fatty acid) is 1:1. This is easily achieved if one avoids the use of vegetable oils as omega-6 is far more abundant in our diet then omega-3 essential fatty acids, which is found in cold water fish - salmon, sardines and mackerel.

TFA’s Defined
In order to have polyunsaturated fats last longer and make them look more appealing, food manufacturers use a process called "hydrogenation". Hydrogenation is a process that takes unsaturated liquid fat (usually some kind of vegetable oil) and adds hydrogen. The result is a TFA.

During hydrogenation, oil is heated to an extremely high temperature; this causes the oil to rapidly oxidize and create free-radicals. In basic chemistry 101, free radicals cause prolific cell damage and is responsible for premature aging.

Even using the so called "healthiest" organic vegetable oils, which includes olive oil, in baking and frying creates free radicals. This is because all vegetable oils oxidize; especially when used in cooking. They not only produce TFA’s but form free radicals - lethal combination for our bodies. The only oil that does not oxidize, even at 170 degree Celsius, is Organic Virgin Coconut oil which is a saturated fat. Amazing!

Avoiding TFA’s at all costs is a must according to the WHO (World Health Organization). This is because TFA’s are injurious to the heart and have been linked to cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, immune system dysfunction, birth defects, difficulty in lactation, and problems with bones and tendons. So we want to exclude them from our diet, yet it is difficult when some of the most tempting foods such as commercial cakes, biscuits, chocolates, and potato chips are laden with TFA’s.

Why Saturated fats are not TFA’s
TFA’s have similar properties to saturated fatty acids when used in baked goods, but the claim that TFA’s are like saturated fatty acids is incorrect in view of their molecular bonding/structure and their biological effect in our bodies. This is the area that has been mostly ignored by mainstream media and even among the naturopathic community according to lipid and nutritional expert Dr. Mary G. Enig. Enig campaigned against TFA’s back in the late 1970’s after completing her most extensive research on the analysis of all fats. For more extensive information, see Mary G. Enig’s PhD Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition (

So which oils do we use now? A good option is Organic Virgin Coconut oil. This is a saturated fat that is unlike any other fat and truly deserves a classification of its own. With all the research and studies on saturated fats to date, health authorities still group TFA’s with healthy saturated fats like coconut oil. Coconut oil is not only the healthiest saturated fat but is one of the healthiest foods we can consume on a daily basis. Let’s examine the most misunderstood fat that is actually a super food.

Why is Coconut oil unique and unlike any other fat?
Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s). Two-thirds of the saturated fat in coconut oil is a medium-chain saturated fat. This important fact deserves clarification as MCFA’s actually helps us to lose weight, lower cholesterol, improve diabetic conditions and reduce the risk of heart disease.

One of the most outstanding benefits of consuming MCFA’s is that they do not require the liver and gallbladder to digest and emulsify them. This means instant energy and increased thermogenesis (increased metabolic rate in the body) which leads to more heat production as well as improved circulation. For anyone with impaired fat digestion or a removed gallbladder, coconut oil is the only oil to consume as it is very easily digested.

MCFA’s are also known for having antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, so they are beneficial to our immune system. In addition, coconut oil assists people with under-active thyroids by increasing the metabolic rate of the body and creating more energy.

Ray Peat Ph.D., a physiologist who has worked with progesterone and related hormones since 1968, says that the sudden surge of polyunsaturated oils in the food chain post World War II has caused many changes in hormones. He writes:

Their [polyunsaturated oils] best understood effect is their interference with the function of the thyroid gland. Polyunsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of oestrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the ‘protective hormones’ progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything that blocks the thyroid function (

It is very interesting to note that high cholesterol is not a sign of eating too much saturated fat. High cholesterol in a lot of the cases is due to an under-active thyroid which affects the liver as well as the many loops and feedback systems within the endocrine system. Stress and the over consumption of carbohydrates/sugars also form high levels of cholesterol.

What are saturated fats and why do we need them?
Saturated fats are semi solid at room temperature and are found in animal products such as meat, poultry, lard, poultry skin, whole milk, cheese, eggs, butter and tropical oils such as coconut and palm oil.

Our body actually needs saturated fats to stay healthy. Why?
1) Saturated fats constitute at least 50% of our cell’s membranes - the phospholipid component of every cell. Saturated fatty acids are what gives our cells structural integrity, so the cell walls are not weak and can protect the inside of the cells.

2) Saturated fatty acids play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be effectively utilized by the bones, at least 50% of the dietary fats should be saturated.

3) Saturated fatty acids actually lower Lipoprotein (a), a substance in the blood that leads to heart disease, whereas excess consumption of vegetable oils increases it.

4) Saturated fatty acids protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, including Tylenol, a pain reliever.

5) Saturated fatty acids are needed for the proper utilization of omega-3 essential fatty acids because omega-3’s are better retained in the tissues when the diet is rich in saturated fats (particularly organic virgin coconut oil)

6) Saturated stearic acid found in beef and cocoa, and palmitic acid found in coconut oil are the preferred foods for the heart; which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.

7) Saturated fatty acids such as caprylic acid found abundantly in coconut oil, is anti fungal and helps combat candida (yeast overgrowth that is common in our society).

8) While saturated fats raise both the bad and the good cholesterol, TFA’s as well as excess consumption of omega-6 fatty acids raise the bad Low Density Lipo-protein (LDL) and suppress the good High Density Lipo-protein (HDL) cholesterol, making it even worse.

In conclusion, avoiding TFA’s is a must. There are no tolerance levels. They are serious culprits of degenerative conditions disguised in some of the most tempting foods to date. Avoiding over consumption of polyunsaturated oils (omega-6 fatty acids) such as flax oil and completely avoiding corn, soy, safflower and canola is a great start, as polyunsaturated oils have been shown to contribute to heart disease, inflammation, under-active thyroid and weight gain.

Use virgin organic coconut oil. I stress the importance of using only virgin organic coconut oil because the refined version of coconut oil no longer has the same structure and same health benefits as the virgin organic coconut oil. In fact, consuming plain coconut oil can even give someone a headache or nausea.

The food manufacturers will not willingly return to using naturally saturated fats such as coconut oil, palm oil, butter and lard because they are more expensive. Only a concerted demand by educated consumers will bring traditional healthy fats back into our commercial food supply and restaurant cooking.

Using organic coconut oil in all cooking and baking is the best choice for a healthy alternative. Because virgin coconut oil is completely saturated and no TFA’s can be made from it, it is therefore harmless. In addition, it does not oxidize, even at 170 degrees Celsius.

Virgin Coconut oil is the fat of fats as it also helps us burn body fat for energy because of its unique molecular structure of medium chain fatty acids. So do enjoy eating more organic virgin coconut oil, drinking organic coconut milk/crème in your teas as well as pouring it over your porridge and munching on macaroons made from organic cocoa and desiccated organic coconut for health and longevity.

Keys, A., "Diet and Development of Coronary Heart Disease", J. Chron. Dis. 4(4):364-380, October 1956
Rekha Balu, “Trans Fat: Taste Buds Cry ‘Yes!’ but Arteries Demur,” The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 1998
Lynn Roblin, “Not all fats are created equal,” The Toronto Star Health Talk, June 24, 1998
Fred Tasker, “A Churning Controversy,” The Washington Post Health, June 2, 1997
Mary G. Enig PhD. Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol(Bethesda Press 2000)
Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats (NewTrends Publishing 2000,
The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, by Bruce Fife (Piccadilly Books, 2001).
Eat Fat Look Thin by Bruce Fife (Piccadilly Books, 2002).

About the author
Teya Skae M.A. ATMS
Corporate Wellness Presenter/Researcher and Author
As the founder of Empowered Living Teya has developed a results based I.D.E.A.L Solutions for increasing your energy, focus and personal Success!
Teya is also a QUIT smoking specialist with proven results in one session guaranteed.
For Tangible Results and Solutions to Fat Loss, Physical, Emotional and Mental Fitness visit
Learn more:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

7 most important things you need to know about sunscreen, sunlight and vitamin D

With summer here, this is very important information to read.  I live in Idaho and don't get sun in the long winter months and it is easy to get a vitamin D deficiency if you don't supplement.  Vitamin D deficiency can cause pain and muscle weakness and a host of other issues. 

I haven't used sunscreen products since I start researching toxic chemicals and ingredients in 2004.  I use 100% Pure Emu Oil as my sunscreen.  Like with ANY sunscreen product or natural tanning, you must start out slowly with your sun exposure and gradually build a base and then you can increase your time in the sun.  I am very fair skinned and normally burn in as little as 10 minutes.  With Emu Oil, I can gradually build my time in the sun and get a wonderful tan without burning my skin.  Avoid burning your skin as that causes premature aging and skin damage.

Article from (NaturalNews) Ask somebody about sunscreen and you're likely to receive an earful of disinformation from a person who has been repeatedly misinformed by health authorities and the mainstream media. Almost nothing you hear about sunscreen from traditional media channels is accurate. So here's a quick guide to the 7 most important things you need to know about sunscreen, sunlight and vitamin D:

#1) The FDA refuses to allow natural sunscreen ingredients to be used in sunblock / sunscreen products

It's true: If you create a truly natural sunscreen product using exotic botanicals with powerful sunscreen properties, you will never be able to market it as a "sunscreen" product. That's because the FDA decides what can be used as sunscreen and what can't, regardless of what really works in the real world. And there are really only two natural ingredients the FDA has allowed to be sold as sunscreen: Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Any other non-chemical sunscreen ingredients, if sold as "sunscreen," would be considered mislabeled by the FDA and result in your products being confiscated... even if they offer fantastic sunscreen protection!

Not surprisingly, this whole monopoly over sunscreen chemicals is designed to protect the profits of the chemical companies while marginalizing the natural product companies which could easily formulate far better solutions. I have personally spoken to the founders of several health product companies who have figured out amazing sunscreen formulations using nothing but natural botanicals, but the FDA won't let them market their products as sunscreen products!

It's just another example of the FDA standing in the way of health innovation.

#2) Nearly all conventional sunscreen products contain cancer-causing chemicals

Read the ingredients list of any sunscreen product sold at Wal-Mart, or Walgreens, or any other mainstream store. I dare ya!

You will not be able to pronounce most of the chemicals found in the ingredients list. That's because most sunscreen products are formulated with cancer-causing fragrance chemicals, parabens, harsh alcohols, toxic chemical solvents and petroleum oils. A typical sunscreen product is actually a chemical assault on your body. That's why research shows that using sunscreen actually causes more cancer than it prevents. 

#3) In a nation where over 70% of the population is vitamin D deficiency, sunscreen actually blocks vitamin D production

Vitamin D deficiency is perhaps the most widespread vitamin deficiency in North America. According to the research, 70 percent of whites are deficient in vitamin D, and up to 97 percent of blacks are deficient.

Chronic vitamin D deficiency promotes cancer, winter flu and infections, depression, osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances. Depending on whom you believe, vitamin D alone can prevent anywhere from 50% to nearly 80% of all cancers.

By blocking vitamin D production in the skin, sunscreen products actually contribute to cancer-promoting nutritional deficiencies.

This doesn't mean you should never wear a sunscreen product, of course. If your skin is really pale and you're planning a day on the beach in Hawaii, you will obviously benefit from some level of sun protection using a truly natural sunscreen product. But an informed health-conscious person would try to allow their skin to achieve a natural, healthy tan (yes, a tan truly is healthy if it's combined with good nutrition, see below) through sensible exposure levels that activate vitamin D production in the skin.

#4) You can boost your internal sun resistance by changing what you eat

Here's the real secret about sun exposure that no one in conventional medicine is talking about (because, as usual, they are woefully ignorant about nutrition): You can boost your internal sunscreen by eating antioxidant-rich foods and superfoods.

The supplement astaxanthin, for example, is very well known for boosting your skin's natural resistance to sunburn. Its fat-soluble carotenoids are actually transported to skin cells where they protect those cells from UV exposure.

The more natural antioxidants you have in your diet, the more sunlight your skin will be able to handle without burning. Nearly everyone mistakenly believes that a person's sunlight burn response is purely a genetic factor. They're wrong. You can radically improve your resistance to UV exposure through radical dietary changes.

I'm a great example of this, actually, as I used to burn in just 20 - 30 minutes of sunlight when I was on a junk food diet years ago. But now, as someone who eats superfoods and high-end nutritional supplements every day, I can spend hours in the sun and will only turn slightly red (which fades a few hours later and does not result in a burn or skin peeling).

Except for one time on an all-day visit to a water park, I have not worn sunscreen in over 8 years. I spend a large amount of time in the sun, and I have absolutely no concerns whatsoever about skin cancer. My skin, most people tell me, looks significantly younger than my biological age. That's not from sunscreen; it's from nutrition. Sun exposure does not make your skin "age" if you follow a high-nutritional density diet.

#5) UV exposure alone does not cause skin cancer

It is a complete medical myth that "UV exposure causes skin cancer." This false idea is a total fabrication by the ignorant medical community (dermatologists) and the profit-driven sunscreen companies.

The truth is actually more complicated: Skin cancer can only be caused when UV exposure is combined with chronic nutritional deficiencies that create skin vulnerabilities.

To create skin cancer, in other words, you have to eat a junk food diet, avoid protective antioxidants, and then also experience excessive UV exposure. All three of those elements are required. Conventional medicine completely ignores the dietary influences and focuses entirely on just one factor: Sunscreen vs. no sunscreen. This is a one-dimensional approach to the issue that's grossly oversimplified to the point of being misleading.

The medical industry, it seems, does not want people to figure out they can literally eat their way to healthier skin. It's amazing, actually: Your skin is made entirely out of the food you eat, so how could your diet not affect your skin health? Yet no one in conventional medicine -- not the dermatologists, not the doctors and not the health regulators -- has the intellectual honesty to admit that what you eat largely determines how your skin reacts to UV exposure.

#6) Not all "natural" sunscreen products are really natural

Be careful when shopping for so-called "natural" sunscreen products. While there are some good ones out there, many are just examples of greenwashing, where they use terms like "natural" or "organic" but still contain loads of synthetic chemicals anyway.

A good guide for checking on sunscreen products is the Environmental Working Group guide (EWG) at:

Some of the products that are truly natural include Loving Naturals sunscreen and Badger All Natural Sunscreen. Read the ingredients labels to see for yourself. Don't use any sunscreen product containing ingredients that sound like chemicals:

• Methyl...

• Propyl...

• Butyl...

• Ethyl...

• Trieth...

• Dieth...


Always buy unscented sunscreen unless for some reason you just enjoy coating your skin with artificial perfume chemicals. A typical sunscreen product is made with over a dozen cancer-causing fragrance chemicals, and they're absorbed right through your skin. Most sunscreens, when applied as directed, are really just toxic chemical baths that heavily burden your liver and can give you cancer.

#7) Many "chemical free" sunscreens are loaded with chemicals

Search for "chemical free natural sunscreen" and you'll see a listing for:

Jason Natural Cosmetics - Earth's Best Sun Block Chemical Free, 4 oz cream

Click on the product and you'll find a listing of its ingredients which includes: C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sorbitan Isostearate, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Ethyl Macadamiate, Calcium Starch Octenylsuccinate, Stearalkonium Hectorite

So how are those not chemicals? Ethylhexyl Palmitate is NOT a chemical? Who are these people kidding? The description (title) of this product is false and misleading. In all fairness, however, this product title looks like it was added into the system by the vendor and not the Jason company itself. But it's an example of how the information you see from online vendors can often be misleading.

Always read the ingredients of any sunscreen product before using it. Don't poison yourself with sunscreen!

Beware the disinfo minefield surrounding sunscreen products

Perhaps more with sunscreen than any other personal care product, the "official" information distributed through the mainstream media is hopelessly misleading (if not downright false). Remarkably, no one in the media or the government is even willing to admit that fragrance chemicals are bad for your health. Similarly, no one is willing to admit that the chemicals you put on your skin get ABSORBED by your skin.

Without those two truths being acknowledged right up front, the rest of whatever they say about sunscreen is worthless babble. Any honest talk about sunscreen must acknowledge the simple truth that the chemicals you put on your skin get absorbed into your skin, and that most sunscreen products are made out of a chemical cocktail of cancer-causing substances.

This is the truth about sunscreen that both the sunscreen industry and the cancer industry doesn't want you to hear. It's the dirty little secret of sunscreen: The more you use, the more you CAUSE cancer in your body! (And the more money the cancer centers make "treating" your cancer with yet more deadly chemicals known as chemotherapy.)

So buyer beware. Sunscreen products are a minefield of lies, fraud and disinformation designed to keep you ignorant of the importance of sun exposure as well as the health risks associated with using cancer-causing chemicals on your skin.

Stick with truly natural sunscreen products (when needed) and try to build up a healthy tan while consuming large quantities of superfoods and antioxidants in your diet. Consider taking astaxanthin or other fat-soluble nutrients on a regular basis. Engage in daily juicing of fresh fruits and vegetables which are loaded with living nutrients. Time your sun exposure to build up a healthy tan so that you don't need sunscreen at all. Contrary to all the misinformation we've all been fed, a healthy tan is actually a good sign that you're achieving adequate vitamin D synthesis in your own skin.

Learn more:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Company Updates

All of our products are free of perfumes and fragrances, some are 'scented' with essential oils.  We are now offering our customers the option to have essential oils added of your choice so you have greater flexibility in ordering.  You can purchase many of our products in their natural state without essential oils added or with the essential oil or essential oil blends of your choice for NO charge.  Perfumes and artifical fragrances are very toxic for all of us, this is even more critical with chronic illness or for those that suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities. 

Now we are offering 16 oz. REFILL sizes on our Aromatherapy Air Freshener, Insect Deterrent and Foaming Hand Soaps.  This is a more 'green' option rather than buying multiple spray bottles. 

New Products Here!

EWG's 2011 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

EWG just released its 2011 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce -- an update to the handy guide that helps you avoid the Dirty Dozen, conventional fruits and vegetables that are highest in pesticide residues -- and choose items from the Clean 15 list instead. Eat healthier and save money at the same time!

What's new? The popular apple is now at the top of the Dirty Dozen as the fruit or veggie highest in pesticides. And for the first time, cilantro is also on the list. Testing by federal scientists found 33 unapproved pesticides on 44 percent of the cilantro samples tested -- the highest percentage of unapproved pesticides recorded on any item since EWG started tracking the data in 1995. Mushrooms also make their first appearance on the Shopper's Guide as part of the Clean 15.

What else is new? Click here to see EWG's 2011 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cilantro Chelation Pesto

This is a delicious recipe!

Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression, food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy, and it tells you how to remove heavy metals from the body! Cilantro is truly a healing food.

Cilantro Chelation Pesto

4 cloves garlic

1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)

1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)

2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)

2/3 cup flaxseed oil

4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)

2 tsp dulse powder

Sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.

Cilantro Pesto

1 clove garlic

cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts

1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves

2 tablespoons lemon juice

6 tablespoons olive oil

Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process to a lumpy paste. (You may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the blender.) You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make several batches at once.)

Can you imagine eating and detoxing? Yes by adding cilantro to your foods that's exactly what happens!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunscreens to avoid

Good information.  Don't avoid the sun, we all need our Vitamin D but be smart about your sun exposure.  There is some research that the toxic sunscreens may be responsible for some of the skin cancers.  I personally use Pure Emu Oil as my sunscreen.  Like with any sun protection product, build up a base slowly by starting out your time in the sun for minutes a day and gradually increase your time.  I have very fair skin that burns in just minutes and I can build a tan and not get burnt with Emu Oil.  In my opinion, better than putting chemicals on my skin.  Janis

..By Lori Bongiorno and Sarah B. Weir

Shopping for sunscreen? The Environmental Working Group's (EWG) newly released 2011 sunscreen guide can help you make smart decisions.

This research and advocacy group recommends a mere 20 percent of the 600-plus beach and sport sunscreens it evaluated. To score high marks in the rankings, a product must be effective -- adequately protect skin from both UVA (which causes premature aging, skin cancer, and other skin damage) and UVB (which causes sunburn) rays. It must also be safe, meaning free of potentially harmful chemicals.

The 2011 products to avoid list contains some popular brands.

EWG's Sunscreens to Avoid:

•Aveeno Active Naturals Hydrosport Sunblock Spray, SPF 85

•Aveeno Sunblock Spray, Continuous Protection, SPF 70

•Banana Boat Kids UltraMist Sunscreen, SPF 110

•Banana Boat Kids UltraMist Sunscreen, SPF 85

•Banana Boat Sport Performance Active Max Protect Continuous Spray Sunscreen, SPF 110

•Banana Boat Ultra Defense UltraMist Sunscreen Continuous Clear Spray, SPF 85

•CVSExtreme Sport Clear Mist Sunscreen Spray, SPF 70+

•CVS Sheer Mist Sunscreen Spray, SPF 70

•Neutrogena Fresh Cooling Sunblock Lotion, Body Mist, SPF 70

•Neutrogena Spectrum+ Sunblock Spray, SPF 100

•Neutrogena Ultimate Sport Sunblock Spray, SPF 100+

•Neutrogena Ultimate Sport Sunblock Spray, SPF 70

•Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Body Mist Sunblock Lotion, SPF 100+

•Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Body Mist Sunblock Lotion, SPF 70

•Neutrogena Wet Skin Kids Sunblock Spray, SPF 70

•Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Spray, SPF 85+

•Walgreens Sheer Body Mist Sunscreen, SPF 70

How did EWG come up with this list? Each of the products to avoid meets all of these criteria:

•SPF values above 50-plus. Higher SPF products are not necessarily best. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration says these numbers can be misleading. There's a concern that high SPF products may give people a false sense of security and encourage people to stay out in the sun for too long without reapplying sunscreen. It's also important to note that the SPF is based solely on UVB protection.

•Sunscreen sprays. They can fill the air with tiny particles that may not be safe to breathe in, according to EWG.

•Contains oxybenzone and vitamin A. Oxybenzone is a concern because it penetrates the skin, is associated with allergic reactions, and is a potential hormone disruptor. Retinyl palmitate is a form of vitamin A that may not be safe when exposed to sunlight. EWG recommends choosing products with one of these ingredients instead: zinc, titanium dioxide, avobenzone, or Mexoryl SX.

Which products does EWG recommend? Here's a list of its best beach and sport sunscreens.

Unfortunately, some of the safest and most effective sunscreens on store shelves can be expensive so it's worthwhile to shop around for deals. Here are the most affordable products that performed well in EWG's ratings (calculated by Yahoo! based on price per ounce).

Safer, Affordable Sunscreens:

•Alba Botanica Sun: Mineral Sunscreen Fragrance Free, SPF 30

•Alba Botanical Sun: Mineral Sunscreen Kids, SPF 30

•Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Saving Face Sunscreen, SPF 15

•All Terrain Aquasport Performance Sunscreen, SPF 30

•All Terrain KidSport Sunscreen, SPF 30

•BabyGanics Cover Up Baby Sunscreen for Face & Body, Fragrance Free, SPF 50+

•Carribean Solutions Natural/Biodegradable SolGuard, SPF 25

•Carribean Solutions Sol Kid Kare Natural Sunscreen, SPF 25

•Earth's Best: Sunblock Mineral Based, SPF 30+

•Goddess Garden Kids Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+

•Goddess Garden Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+

•Jason Natural Cosmetics Sunbrellas: Mineral Natural Sunblock, SPF 30

•Johnson & Johnson's Baby Daily Face & Body Lotion, SPF 40

•Mexitan Products Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 and SPF 30

•MelanSol Natural Sunscreen for Face and Body, SPF 25

•Nature's Gate Mineral Sportblock, SPF 20

•Purple Prairie Botanicals SunStuff, SPF 30

•Solbar Zinc Protection Cream, SPF 38

•Sunbow Dora the Explorer Pink Sunscreen, SPF 30

•Tropical Sands All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 50 and SPF 30

•Vanicream Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin, SPF 30

•Vanicream Sunscreen Sport, SPF 35

It's worth noting that using sunscreen is only one part of smart sun protection. Limit your time outside in the middle of the day when the sun's rays are most intense. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing (dark and tightly-woven). Get more sun safety tips from EWG.

Monday, June 6, 2011

This is Disheartening

I knew that cosmetic and personal care products were often falsely misrepresented and that is why I never trust the label, I read the ingredients for myself.  But now to read this article about eggs, I feel very disheartened and angry because with eggs, there are no ingredients, we only have the advertising on the box and to learn we can't trust that!  I have been buying only organic, cage free eggs and how sad to know that it is probably a lie.  I feel so sorry for those poor chickens.  I hate corporate greed!  I guess I will have to raise my own chickens for the eggs after all.  (Janis)

(NaturalNews) Are the supposed "humanely-raised" eggs you buy from the grocery store really "natural" and "free-range"? What about the all-too-common claim made that eggs come from "cage-free" chickens? And what do all these terms actually mean in practical, legal terms? In a new study, Sheila Rodriguez from the Rutgers University School of Law asserts that many of these claims are both unsubstantiated and deceptive, and that consumers need to be aware of the dirty truth behind the eggs they buy.

"Most hens are packed eight or nine hens to a cage ... [and the cages are] so small that [hens] are unable to stretch a wing," she says in the report, which has been published in the Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law. "The overcrowding causes them to fight, so their beaks are cut off to prevent them from injuring other birds. The fewer than 5 percent of eggs in the US that are not produced under these conditions are from hens that were not even allowed outside."

Many of the eggs produced in these horrific conditions, of course, are later sold in cartons blanketed with nice-sounding animal welfare language, which gives consumers the false impression that such eggs are superior to conventional eggs. Even "cage-free" eggs can come from birds that have lived in factory-farm hatcheries, and that continue to be confined in indoor pens where they never see the natural light of day -- and this all occurs because of the dubious laws that govern the issue, as well as lax enforcement of existing laws.

"[M]any of the production method claims made by egg producers cannot be accurately verified," adds Rodriguez. "Industry standards are factory farmed standards. Federally-verified claims made under the National Organic Program, though comprehensive, are problematic because of lax enforcement."

And yet many producers continue to make glowing claims on their cartons, which in turn allows them to charge consumers more for them. Even organic eggs, which typically bear the highest price tags, often come from hens that, while fed organic feed, still live in confinement or get little-to-no outdoor access.

True pasture-raised, free-range hens on the other hand produce eggs with solid shells, deep-yellow yolks, and superior overall taste. Many backyard and small-scale family farms produce and sell genuine pastured eggs from hens that are allowed to roam and peck freely, and anyone who has tried or that regularly eats eggs from such hens will be able to discern an obvious difference.

Sources for this story include:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Is your skin crying for help?

Have you heard the saying we are what we eat? Is your skin crying for help? With summer around the corner, many people are realizing that their skin doesn't look as good as they wish. You will find practical tips and suggestions in this article that will help you achieve radiant skin by improving your health on the inside and improving your skin on the outside. Having beautiful skin requires health on the inside and good skin care on the outside.

Your skin is your largest organ and often a reflection of what’s going on inside your body. Whether it's dry skin, oily skin, acne, rashes, lack of skin tone, or premature aging it's important to go beyond covering up our flaws and get to their root causes of why your skin isn’t radiant. The secrets to perfect skin care are NOT just what you put on your skin but also what you put in your body. So just buying expensive creams and potions will not give you flawless skin if you are not taking care of the inside of your body and if those anti-aging potions contain toxic chemicals or simply worthless in the quality of the ingredients you are just defeating the purpose. The majority of the big brand names in skin care carry a whole list of toxic ingredients. Don’t focus on brand and a big price tag, focus on quality ingredients! Just because doctor so and so promotes it or sells it doesn’t mean it is good or non-toxic.

Healthy radiant skin can be achieved through the following:
• Good nutrition with plenty of fresh living fruits and vegetables
• Good hydration with plenty of water (caffeine in soda, tea and coffee increase dehydration)
• Exercise for good blood flow and lymphatic drainage
• Skin exfoliation through dry brushing or loofah pads for the body and gentle cream exfoliants for the face and neck
• Avoid toxic chemicals internally and externally
• Use good quality organic skin care products

Skin-Healthy Diet
Fresh whole foods such as berries, nuts, seeds and leafy vegetable are the main staples of a skin-healthy diet. An occasional glass of red wine or a cup of green tea is beneficial too because of their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help to combat free radicals and protect your skin from premature aging. Ellagic acid (EA) is a type of antioxidant referred to as a “polyphenol”. Ellagic acid protects collagen. The most plentiful food sources of EA are blackberries, cranberries, pecans, pomegranates, purple/red grapes, raspberries, strawberries and walnuts. Some of the benefits of all of these fruits and nuts may be directly attributable to their EA content. The trace mineral Zinc found in shellfish and pumpkin seeds is also beneficial for skin regeneration.

It is important to avoid all processed sugars and trans fats and be aware of your own food sensitivities. For example if you are sensitive or intolerant to gluten, this will increase inflammation in your body which leads to disease and dull looking skin. Sugar also increases pain and fatigue. A diet high in trans fats such as French fats, processed and junk foods can increase your bad LDL cholesterol and lead to cholesterol ‘plugs’ in your pores.

Vitamins C and E found in fruits and vegetables naturally support skin structure, reduce free radical damage and provide protection from damage caused by sun exposure. "Vitamin C can regenerate oxidized vitamin E, making this antioxidant combination work synergistically on your skin," explains Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP in her article at the Huffington Post. "Together, they can increase antioxidant power up to 70 times greater than when used individually."

Last but not least, don't underestimate the importance of drinking enough water. Chronic dehydration makes our skin look older, and less smooth.

Skin-Healthy Lifestyle
Today we live in a world full of toxic substances. Toxic exposure to x-rays, pollution, cigarette smoke and thousands of chemicals found in your hair products, make-up, lotions, bath soaps, household cleaners, pesticides on food, antibiotics and steroids in food, even the chlorine in your shower water can all contribute to premature aging and worsening of your skin. You can purchase a chlorine filter that goes on your shower head from your local home improvement store.

Don’t be fooled by false advertising on labels that products are natural, organic, dermatologist recommended, etc. Dermatologist tested and recommended can simply mean that the dermatologist getting paid by that company making the product tested it and recommended it or it can be a complete lie altogether. You really have to be informed about what ingredients are and read labels as you can pick up a product that says natural and just see a long list of chemical names or a product touted as organic and you may see only 1 organic ingredient or none in a long list of chemicals.

Women use more products than men, and are exposed to more unique ingredients daily, but men use a surprisingly high number of products. The average woman uses 12 products containing 168 ingredients every day. Men use on average 6 products daily with 85 unique ingredients. Chemical exposures add up. All of these chemicals have an accumulative effect and take their toll on our bodies’ ability to fight off these toxins.

Chemical exposure includes known or probable human carcinogens, known or probable reproductive and developmental toxins, linked to infertility or developmental harm for a baby in the womb or a child. Phthalates are a toxic family of chemicals used in everyday household products and nail polish, lipstick, perfumes and many other personal care products. If you see fragrance or fragrant oils on the label, avoid these products. Buy unscented or products that only use good quality essential oils for scenting.

Protect Your Skin Naturally
Sweat the toxins out of your skin and body with dry or infrared type saunas and steam baths. The dry heat of a sauna penetrates your tissues and releases poisons, heavy metals and chemicals. In the process, the blood flow to your skin increases, bringing more nutrients for the surface and subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the quality of your skin gradually improves.

Dry skin brushing is another technique that can improve your skin’s appearance. Of course, dry brushing should not be done on the face or neck but can be done on the body. Dry brushing moves the lymph, improves circulation, reduces cellulite, wakes up your immune system, sloughs off dead skin cells and makes your skin soft. You can purchase a natural bristle brush with a long handle at a health food store. Loofahs are also good for daily dead skin removal.

Use only non-toxic anti-aging products on your skin. Look for products that contain ingredients such as Organic Aloe Juice, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Rooibos Tea Extract, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Papaya Extract, Organic Pineapple Extract, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, MSM, Organic Pomegranate Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, Rosehip Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Organic Blue Green Algae Extract, Cranberry Seed Oil, Carrot Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, etc. to feed your skin on the outside. Avoid the use of Vitamin A as a leave-on product for your skin. Vitamin A is fine in a cleanser because you are washing it off. Vitamin A should be avoided if it is an ingredient in a leave on product such as a toner, moisturizer, sunscreen or eye cream as Vitamin A makes your skin more sensitive to sun damage which can lead to skin cancer.

Everyone should start thinking of anti-aging when they are young, if you wait until you have wrinkles, you can’t remove them without some type of cosmetic procedure, and you can only reduce the appearance. Prevention is the best medicine! Products with Alpha Hydroxyl Acids for example Bilberry Extract, Sugar Cane Extract, Sugar Maple Extract, Orange Fruit Extract, Lemon Extract, Cranberry Extract, etc. can be beneficial for those with teenage or adult acne.

Don’t wash your skin with commercial bath soaps and shower gels which contain toxic sulfates and detergents that dry out your skin and lead to premature aging. Detergents containing sulfates come by many different names: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, and sodium C14-16 olefin sulfate.

Avoid anti-bacterial soaps which contain a toxic ingredient called Triclosan. Studies have shown that anti-bacterial soaps don’t get your hands/skin cleaner than regular soaps. If you are concerned about bacteria, you can use soaps with tea tree in the ingredient list as tea tree is a natural anti-bacterial agent. However, unless you have acne, skin infections, stinky feet or smell more than others when they sweat, antibacterial soaps shouldn’t be used routinely as your body may build a tolerance or resistance to even a natural antibacterial substance. If your feet stink, you may have foot fungus and if your sweat smells more than normal, you are probably not eating a healthy diet or drinking enough water and the toxins are coming out in your sweat.

Avoid fragrances in any product. Your skin will noticeably improve if you use only natural or organic soaps. Good quality soaps provide lather and last a long time without drying out your skin.

Many times, people talk about how dry their skin is in spite of using lotions. The majority of the time, it is because they are using sulfates on their skin, using poor quality lotions and not drinking enough water. If you are doing everything right and still have dry skin, ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels including reverse T3. Look at your lotion and see if the first ingredient is water. The majority of the commercial brand lotions list water as the first ingredient. Water is great when taken internally for hydration but doesn’t do much when applied to the skin as a moisturizer. Ingredients are listed on the label in order of percentages/concentration so the ingredients at the beginning have the highest concentration and the ingredients towards the end of the label have a smaller amount of that ingredient.

Follow these steps for beautiful radiant skin!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wilson's Temperature Syndrome - Do you have these symptoms?

For years, I have believed that I had a sub-clinical thyroid problem but the blood tests by conventional standards was always reported as normal so I couldn't get any treatment for all of my many symptoms! If you can find a doctor that is open to or knows about Wilson's Syndrome, this could really improve your life if you do have Wilson's Syndrome. I was thrilled yesterday when my doctor confirmed that I have it and is putting me on compounded T3. Typically the treatment is only for a couple of months and then you can go off it. I am freezing cold all the time and have quite a few of the symptoms listed below. The doctor says that I can expect more energy during the day and better sleep at night and improved mental concentration and clarity just to name a few. I know many of you experience fatigue and poor sleep so I wanted to share this information with you. Measure your temperature and write it down for at least 6 days as described below and also check off which symptoms you have.

Wilson's Temperature Syndrome Symptoms
The symptoms of Wilson's Temperature Syndrome are classic low thyroid symptoms. A patient doesn't have to have all the symptoms to respond well to T3 therapy. You can click here for a more complete, printable checklist. You may need to download the free Acrobat Reader in order to view and print the checklist)
In fact, you may only have one. Low body temperatures can affect people differently, and can be the cause of many different symptoms:

Fluid Retention
Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Hair Loss
Decreased Memory & Concentration
Heat and/or Cold Intolerance
Abnormal Swallowing Sensations
Easy Weight Gain
Low Motivation & Ambition
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Muscle and Joint Aches
Dry Skin & Hair
Brittle Nails
Slow Healing
Sweating Abnormalities
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Irregular Periods
Low Sex Drive
Easy bruising
Unhealthy Nails
Ringing of the Ears
Bad Breath
Dry Eyes/Blurred Vision And Others…

How are Body Temperatures Measured?
Since Dr. Wilson believes that low body temperatures cause the symptoms and since most patients complain of symptoms they are having during the day, Dr. Wilson recommends that the temperatures be measured during the day.

Body temperatures are normally lower in the morning, higher in the afternoon, and lower again in the evening. So if the temperatures are low during the day when they're supposed to be at their highest, that's better evidence that there's a problem.

Temperature patterns are also important and illuminating. How patients feel can be affected not only by how high or low their temperatures are but also on how steady their temps are. This is especially important during T3 therapy. One temperature reading a day is not enough to see how widely the temperature is fluctuating, but more than three a day can be too time consuming.

For these reasons Dr. Wilson recommends measuring the temperatures By mouth with a thermometer:
Every 3 hours
3 times a day, starting 3 hours after waking
For several days (not the 3 days prior to the period in women since its higher then) for diagnosis.
Every day during treatment.

For each day, add the 3 temperatures together and divide by 3 to get the average.

If your temperature consistently averages below 98.6 then you may be suffering from Wilson's Temperature Syndrome.

Note: Some people believe that moving the thermometer around in the mouth very much can increase blood flow to the area and affect the temperature reading. It seems prudent to be mindful not to move the thermometer unnecessarily much.

What kind of thermometers should be used?
Digital thermometers are very fast and convenient but can easily become inaccurate from:

dropping them from 4 inches or more
low batteries
exposure to water or humidity

When they become inaccurate they can still give a reading, it just won't be right. There's no way of knowing whether the reading is correct or not. Sometimes, a digital thermometer will show one reading one minute and another the next.

Mercury Thermometers are very consistent and they hold their readings. If patients are too busy to read their thermometers (while driving, for example) when it's time, they can take the thermometers out and read them later.

Mercury thermometers can take longer (it's good to leave them in for around 7 minutes). They are also being phased out of the market because of environmental legislation and are becoming harder and harder to find. The concern is that when the thermometers are broken the liquid spills out and some mercury vapor gets into the atmosphere, finding its way into the food chain. When broken thermometers are thrown in the trash and then incinerated, that apparently puts even more mercury into the air. One doctor believes that some mercury can make it through the glass of intact thermometers. She believes that some of her patients are especially sensitive to mercury and have noticed episodes of acute depression, headaches and malaise just from measuring their temperatures with a mercury thermometer.

We recommend some great new Liquid metal thermometers (not mercury). We think they're better than mercury thermometers ever were. For one thing, they provide accurate readings in only 3 minutes!

Glass Alcohol thermometers are very consistent but frequently don't hold their readings. They usually contain a red liquid. These thermometers are fine as long as you read them right away.

The Big Picture
No matter what thermometer you choose, no matter how new, it may still not be perfectly accurate. There is always some variation among thermometers, some small, some large. The important thing is for patients to be able to see the changes in their temperatures with proper T3 therapy. Therefore it would make sense for patients to try to take their temperatures in the same way each time with the same thermometer for comparison's sake. The Mercury, Galistan, and Alcohol thermometers are especially good for this since they are so consistent. The liquids they contain are going to expand with warming the same way every time (make sure to shake down the Mercury and Galistan before each use to reset them). So even if a patient has a Mercury or Galistan or Alcohol thermometer that is a little inaccurate, at least it will be consistently inaccurate and in that way still useful (in showing the improvement in temperature with treatment).

By the same token, if your story is consistent with Wilson's Temperature Syndrome and you find your temperature is normal, by all means check it with another two or three thermometers! Many patients have found that their thermometers were wrong and their temperatures were low and they have responded well to treatment. In fact, if your history is classic for Wilsons Temperature Syndrome your chances of having a normal temperature are only about 1 in 200. There's a lot better chance that your thermometer is wrong than there is that your temperature's normal.

These issues of thermometer accuracy don't come up very often but they come up often enough that doctors and patients would be well served to know about them. For the most part, patients are easily able to see that their temperatures are low before treatment, that they come up with treatment, and that their complaints begin to disappear as their temperatures improve.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Whipped Organic African Shea Butter with Argan Oil and Squalane

We just launched our new Whipped Organic Raw African Shea Butter with Argan & Squalane and other great anti-aging and antioxidant oils!

Organic Raw African Shea Butter is whipped to perfection in small batches with luxurious antioxidant and anti-aging oils beneficial for your skin. Leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. Your skin will love this! Fast-absorbing and easily spreadable, this concentrated, waterless recipe allows for preservative-free formulation. Melts instantly upon contact with your skin. Great for skins that are sensitive, normal, dry or prone to eczema.

A wonderful moisturizer, rich in fatty acids, it is better than most moisturizers. Helps to stimulate the renewal of skin cells and improving skin elasticity. Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Natural, safe for all ages and all skin types. Antimicrobial properties, easily absorbable by the skin. May help to reduce stretch marks in pregnant women when applied regularly. May reduce skin inflammation and may help eczema and psoriasis.

The sterolins in this oil have been known to reduce the appearance of age spots and to provide relief for sun damaged skin. At least one study has shown that this oil can increase the levels of collagen in the skin. Collagen is one of the most crucial proteins for your skin as it provides structure and elasticity, which helps fight the formation of wrinkles in particular. Great for use on dry skin, helps to soften the skin and to deeply moisturize it. Highly therapeutic oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 Panthothenic acid, Vitamin D, E, protein, lecithin and fatty acids. It's a very good, penetrating nutrient for dry skin and eczema. Avocado oil is said to have healing and regenerating qualities.

Anti aging properties, helps to reduce and lessen the signs of aging decreases fine lines and wrinkles, helps to smooth rough skin, aids in repairing the skin and helps skin elasticity. High in gamma-linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid) making it an exceptionally nourishing oil. The human body does not produce essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acids therefore it is important to get these nutrients through diet and skin care products. Essential fatty acids inhibit bacterial growth and allow our systems to defend against infection and inflammation. This oil is highly recommended for dry skin problems.

The topical use of fatty acids has an anti-inflammatory action on the skin and also recompenses for the lower ceramide levels, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Hemp seed oil has a high amount of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids).

When added to cosmetics and creams, it re-moisturizes the skin in ways no oil can. May contain Ultra-violet protection, Non-greasy feeling, soaks into the skin easily, Reduces wrinkles and signs of aging.

Great skin moisturizer, contains linoleic acid which prevents water from evaporating. According to Leslie Baumann, M.D., author of The Skin Type Solution, olive oil can promote healthy skin and also contains at least four different antioxidants, which can help "neutralize damaging free radicals that can lead to skin aging and skin cancer."

Antioxidant and anti rancidity actions.

Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Great for maturing skin or for damaged skin where regeneration of new skin cells is needed.

Recommended for wrinkle smoothing and prevention, and for the treatment of sun damaged skin. Shea butter is a particularly effective moisturizer because contains so many fatty acids, which are needed to retain skin moisture and elasticity. Its soft, butter-like texture melts readily into the skin. African healers have used Shea butter for thousands of years as the ideal treatment for dry or aging skin. Its high content of non-saponifiable fatty acids gives it the ability to moisturize and retain the elasticity of the skin. Shea butter also protects the skin against the damaging effects of the sun while repairing cellular degeneration.

Shea butter protects the skin from both environmental and free-radical damage. It contains vitamins A and E, and has demonstrated both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Has been used to help heal burns, sores, scars, dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, and stretch marks. It may also help diminish wrinkles by moisturizing the skin, promoting cell renewal, and increasing circulation. Shea butter also contains cinnamic acid, a substance that helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

Organic, unrefined Shea Butter differs dramatically from the hexane solvent refined product commonly sold throughout the United States and Europe. Solvent refining strips the Shea butter of its natural vitamins and healing properties. Carotene and alantoin are just two of the healing factors found in natural Shea butter (and missing from solvent refined mass market products). Only properly made, raw Shea butter is suitable for proper use as a hydrolyzing skin treatment. Many companies use bleaches, deodorizers, or chemicals to alter the scent and appearance of Shea Butter. It is important to not purchase Shea Butter that has been altered in this way, as these processing methods deplete the product of its healing and medicinal properties, and also destroy the vitamins and minerals naturally present in Shea Butter. Allantoin: soothing, anti-irritant, skin protectant that increases the water content of the extracellular matrix which provides structural support to cells and is an important part of connective tissue. Allantoin also increases the smoothness of the skin; promotes cell replication; and promotes the healing of wounds, burns, and scars. Carotene: Enhance the appearance of the skin, antioxidant, used to prevent the signs of aging in the skin, healing. Daily application of organic unrefined Shea Butter has been reported to speed the healing of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Useful for burns, all dry and irritated skin conditions (except for Poison Ivy, Oak etc., which contain irritating oils that need to be removed

Squalane's chemical similarity to human skin sebum has made it a popular component in natural cosmetic formulas designed to soften and protect the skin. The antioxidant properties of squalane have also been touted as being very beneficial for many skin conditions. In a study published in the International Journal of Cancer in July 2006, squalane was found to protect the skin of mice from developing tumors when exposed to carcinogenic substances. Olive Squalane Oil is derived from 100% pure olives and can be applied on all skin types, including acne-prone skin. It absorbs quickly, enhances skin elasticity, is dye-free and non-irritating, and won¡t clog pores. It is all-natural, non-greasy oil that is conditions and moisturizes the skin. The body produces a small amount of squalane early in life, but the amount starts to diminish beginning in our twenties. Olive Squalane Oil can help fight against and even prevent facial aging spots and lines. It contains a unique antioxidant from olives that protects the skin from free-radical damage.

The benefits of Olive Squalane Oil may include:
• conditions and moisturizes the skin
• enhances skin elasticity and moisture retention
• reduce the appearance of wrinkles
• imparts relief to dehydrated and ultra-sensitive skin
• softens rough & irritated skin
• boosts new cell growth
• protects against sun damage
• prevents age spots

Also known as Foraha oil in Africa. The oil is rich and smells similar to butter pecan ice cream. Tamanu oil has a soothing effect on the skin, and it helps to relieve irritations such as sun burn, inflammation and general rashes. Tamanu oil also helps regenerate skin cells and has a hydrating effect on the skin. Research shows that Tamanu oil is a strong anti-inflammatory, making it useful for the treatment of rheumatism, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions. The oil has been used for its ability to help heal cuts and wounds while acting as a germicide to prevent infection.

Natural skin protector, natural emollient, helps keep skin smooth and soft, improves skin moisture by offsetting dryness caused by aging and environmental factors. Acts as a free radical scavenger, hinders the oxidizing process in the skin and promotes soft and supple skin. As an antioxidant it defends the skin. Helpful in reducing scars and promotes healing. It acts as a natural preservative for products.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Natural sleep remedies

They are safer and have fewer side effects than over the counter and prescription medications. Many of these can not only help you fall asleep and stay asleep, but they can also promote muscle relaxation and help with restless leg syndrome.

Personally, I can tell you with Lyme disease and chronic pain, falling asleep and staying asleep has been a major problem for me for years. I find that one thing may work for me for months or years and then suddenly I can't sleep again so I find having various natural remedies on hand so that I can switch it up if I need to. And then oftentimes, I can go back to my previous remedy and it will work again after being off of it for a while. Others I have talked to with the same problems, find things work for awhile and then don't work so I always encourage everyone to try something new but to go back to the previous one again later. Don't assume it won't work. Also, I have found the ingredients of one brand may not work as well as another brand, so again don't assume it is the ingredients, it may have been the quality of the brand or the dosage.

Another thing that helps me if I am in a lot of pain is to rub the muscle balm into an area that is painful or to heat up my Comfort Buddies and put them on my body while trying to fall asleep. Ice helps too and if you feel too cold, lay on ice under the covers with a warm comfort buddy on you and it will be much more comfortable. I formulated the muscle balm because of my own pain, I loaded it up with natural things that help relieve pain and I make the Comfort Buddy because I use 3 of them to help my sleep and pain. If you try Melantonin, it is important to start low on only take 1 mg. and see how your body reacts too it. I know years ago I tried it and the dose was too high and I didn't like it and didn't try it again until this year after my doctor told me to only do 1 mg.

My favorite natural sleep remedies are:

Metagenics Somnolin:
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 40 mg
Folate (as L-5-methyl tetrahydrofolate†) 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) 500 mcg
L-5-Hydroxytryptophan (L-5-HTP from Griffonia simplicifolia) 200 mg
L-Theanine 200 mg

Metagenics MyocalmPM
•Calcium (as calcium lactate) 75 mg
•Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 150 mg
•Passionflower Flower 5.5:1 Extract (Passiflora incarnata) 60 mg
•Valerian Root Extract (Valeriana officinalis) 30 mg
•Hops Cone 7.5:1 Extract (Humulus lupulus) 60 mg
•Lemon Balm Leaf 5:1 Extract (Melissa officinalis) 150 mg

Metagenics Benesom
Casein Tryptic Hydrolysate† 75 mg
Melatonin 1 mg
Passionflower Flower 5.5:1 Extract (Passiflora incarnata) 300 mg

Magnesium and calcium
Magnesium and calcium are both sleep boosters, and when taken together they become even more effective. Plus, by taking magnesium you cancel out any potential heart problems that might arise from taking calcium alone. Take 200-300 milligrams of magnesium (you can lower the dose if it causes diarrhea) and 600 milligrams of calcium each night.

Lemon Balm
Several studies have found that lemon balm combined with other calming herbs (such as valerian, hops, and chamomile) helps reduce anxiety and promote sleep.

Beer fans are already familiar with the calming effect of hops, the female flowers used in beer making. For sleep purposes, this extract has been widely used as a mild sedative for anxiety and insomnia. Take 30 to 120 milligrams before climbing under the covers.

Lavender is the trick here, as studies have proven that it aids in sleep. It's also an inexpensive, nontoxic way to slip into a peaceful slumber. Find a spray with real lavender and spritz it on your pillow before bedtime, or buy a lavender-filled pillow.

Melatonin is the hormone that controls sleep, so it's no wonder that it naturally induces sleep. Studies show that lower doses are more effective -- plus, there's concern that too-high doses could cause toxicity as well as raise the risk of depression or infertility.

Passion flower
Has a mild sedative effect that encourages sleep. This property has been well-substantiated in numerous studies on animals and humans. Nervous symptoms and cramps that inhibit sleep are alleviated by ingestion of the herb, and leading quickly to restful uninterrupted and deep sleep.

Yoga and Meditation
Choose gentle yoga or stretching, not vigorous power or ashtanga yoga, which could energize you instead. Try easy yoga stretches in bed followed by simple meditation. Close your eyes and, for 5 to 10 minutes, pay attention to nothing but your breathing.

This amino acid comes from green tea, and not only helps maintain a calm alertness during the day but also a deeper sleep at night. However, green tea doesn't contain enough L-theanine to significantly boost your REM cycles, and might make you wake up to go to the bathroom. Instead, buy pure, active L-theanine(some brands have inactive forms of theanine that block the effectiveness), and take 50 to 200 milligrams at bedtime.

Valerian is one of the most common sleep remedies for insomnia. Numerous studies have found that valerian improves deep sleep, speed of falling asleep, and overall quality of sleep. However, it's most effective when used over a longer period of time. Keep in mind that about 10 percent of the people who use it actually feel energized, which may keep them awake. If that happens to you, take valerian during the day. Otherwise, take 200 to 800 milligrams before bed.

Wild lettuce
If you've suffered anxiety, headaches, or muscle or joint pain, you might already be familiar with wild lettuce. It's also effective at calming restlessness and reducing anxiety, and may even quell restless legs syndrome. When using a wild-lettuce supplement, take 30 to 120 milligrams before bed.