- Slows Signs of Aging
- Removes Toxins
- Assists in Weight Loss
- Boosts Immunities
- Neutralizes Free Radicals
Monday, January 28, 2013
Alkal-Life Water Ionizer – Reverse Aging
The BioMat packs a bigger health boost compared to saunas
When used at the high setting (149-158˚F), the BioMat delivers all of the benefits of the traditional sauna. The intense heat generated by the BioMat mimics the heat of the sauna, opening pores, increasing circulation and flushing away impurities. And the same relaxed, euphoric state is also experienced by people who use the BioMat.
However, with its powerful combination of far infrared ray, negative ion and amethyst crystal therapy, the BioMat offers health
Let’s take a look at some of these advantages…
No fuss, no muss
Two of the most common complaints among sauna users is that using their sauna is a bit of a hassle and it takes up too much space. It takes between 45 to 90 minutes to heat a sauna before using it, which means you need to plan ahead in order to enjoy a steam. It also requires you to disrobe and prepare to get wet. For many people, this is an inconvenience. The BioMat, by comparison, heats up in minutes, and users can be clothed or not according to their preference. The convenience of BioMat treatments encourages most people use their BioMat on a daily basis, which means they enjoy the greatest health benefits. The BioMat is totally portable so you can use it where you want, consider laying in bed for a session or watching a show on TV.
Keeping your cool
In a sauna, you have to subject your whole body to the same temperatures. However, according to many alternative medical philosophies, such as traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, keeping the head and brain cool is important. Drawing too much heat to the head can cause dizziness and disorientation, yet high heat is very beneficial to the rest of the body. By drawing heat away from the head and towards the rest of the body, the BioMat allows users to enjoy the full benefit of high heat without putting their health at risk. Using the cooling BioMat Pillow during treatment offers an extra degree of protection during prolonged use at high temperatures.
Good vibrations
Saunas offer relaxation, hydration and detox benefits, but they can’t deliver the negative ion therapy offered by the BioMat. These invisible molecules, which naturally occur around mountains, waterfalls and beaches, create a feeling of wellbeing so powerful that many health practitioners recommend their use in treating depression. These “miracle molecules” are capable of boosting serotonin, improving the immune system and even alleviating allergies! BioMat users know first-hand how powerful negative ion treatment can be when paired with deep-heat therapy, but conventional saunas don’t deliver negative ions.
Crystal clarity
Saunas are known for their purifying effects, but they can’t match the BioMat’s triple-cleansing therapy. In addition to deep-penetrating far infrared heat and negative ions that help the cells of the body to renew themselves and eliminate waste products, the BioMat also uses the soothing, healing properties of pure amethyst crystals. Science tells us that amethyst is unusually conductive, and traditional healers have revered the stone’s healing properties for centuries.
Compared to a traditional sauna, the BioMat offers a more powerful healing experience—and provides it in a more convenient treatment format that makes it easier to incorporate into your daily health regimen.
Go to http://jesorganics.biomat.com/ for more information.
Monday, January 14, 2013
JES Organics Product Updates
Friday, January 11, 2013
10 Unusual Flu Remedies: Simple Ways To Boost Your Immunity And Speed Recovery
Flu season struck early this year: Experts say that it’s hitting especially hard with higher levels of flu activity and tougher viral strains. A strong immune system is the key to warding off annual flu bugs; and there are many ways to prime your defenses, including healthy diet, supplements, exercise and stress relief. If you do get sick, these unique natural flu remedies can help speed up recovery time and relieve uncomfortable symptoms.
Coconut OilThis healthy fat is rich in a substance called lauric acid which provides many health benefits, including antiviral properties. Lauric acid is shown to directly interfere with the ability of viruses to replicate and spread, thus halting infection. Coconut oil also contains nutritional components that stimulate immunity, reduce inflammation and support other areas of health. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons per day to soups, salads and smoothies or even eat it straight.
Baking SodaThis simple compound, known as sodium bicarbonate, has long been used therapeutically for numerous medical conditions and first aid applications. It may fight against the flu by helping to neutralize acidity in the body, creating an inhospitable, alkaline environment for viruses and germs. When you start to feel the flu coming on or are exposed to a virus, begin by taking ½ teaspoon in water every two hours, six times throughout the day. Scale down two doses per day thereafter until symptoms subside.
ProbioticsThere are hundreds of species of beneficial bacteria that reside in the digestive tract, assisting digestion, boosting nutrient assimilation and protecting against harmful microbes. Now, researchers are learning more about the direct relationship between probiotic bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, and various aspects of the immune system. Studies show that probiotic bacteria can increase T cells, a critical class of immune responders. Other studies show that the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans can increase immune responses to flu viruses, even swine flu. Find a comprehensive formula and follow dosage instructions, which can be increased during active flu symptoms. Medicinal Mushrooms
Many species of medicinal mushrooms have been shown to help boost immunity and support overall health through multiple mechanisms of action. The varieties Coriolus, Reishi, Agaricus, Cordyceps, Umbellatus and Maitake are particularly helpful for flu protection and treatment. They contain an abundance of therapeutic compounds that boost the functions of immune cells, demonstrate potent antiviral activity, detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, support digestion and deliver powerful antioxidants. Medicinal mushrooms demonstrate an uncanny “intelligence” in the body and can actually help train the immune system to function more powerfully and efficiently. Look for an organically grown formula and follow instructions. Dosing can be increased during active illness and taken every few hours.
LaughterStudies show that laughter can be a powerful immune booster. In addition to alleviating immune-suppressing stress, laughter is shown to increase NK (natural killer) cell activity and positively influence the expression of genes related to immunity. You don’t have to feel guilty about watching back-to-back comedies during the day when you’re at home with the flu.
YogaAn ancient mind-body system of exercises, there are various methods of yoga practice. Studies show that certain yoga styles, such as Iyengar style and mindful meditation yoga, offer significant health benefits. Yoga can protect against stress, positively influence immune related-genes, boost circulation, reduce chronic inflammation and increase healing. Though the flu makes us feel tired and achy, yoga’s gentle movements and stretches help increase oxygenation and circulation, which are critical in fighting illness.
SunshineA daily dose of sunshine, about 15 to 20 minutes, can improve health by providing natural vitamin D3 to boost immunity, fight viruses and promote numerous aspects of overall health. If you live in an overcast area, consider a natural vitamin D3 supplement.
MusicMusic therapy is commonly used to help address various aspects of health. Certain musical styles such as classical music have been well researched and shown to reduce stress, boost immunity, support metabolism and much more. Choose something you enjoy and try to practice deep breathing while listening.
Modified Citrus PectinThis simple preparation, made from the white pith of citrus peels and modified for absorption and activity in the body, is shown to offer a powerful boost to immunity, particularly NK cell activity. It controls inflammation, fibrosis and cancer formation by blocking the harmful effects of excess galectin-3 in the body. Modified citrus pectin also safely removes immune-suppressing heavy metals, thus helping to protect against viruses and infections. Taking 5 to 10 grams of modified citrus pectin per day can offer a significant boost to immunity and help speed recovery, especially when taken together with medicinal mushrooms.
Avoid SugarMost sugars, particularly refined sugars, trigger a cascade of harmful reactions in the body that directly suppress immunity and feed harmful invaders. Choose sweeteners that do not spike glucose and cause the inflammatory cascade of immune-suppressing actions. Stevia and coconut sugar are excellent alternative sweeteners that do not weaken the immune system or fuel the replication of harmful viruses, bacteria and microbes.
This year, if you are thinking of getting a flu shot, consider natural immune boosters and healthy lifestyle habits as a first line of defense. These holistic approaches can not only protect against colds and flus, they help maintain overall health and longevity throughout the year and beyond. For more practical health and wellness information, visit www.dreliaz.org.BioBelt
- Do you suffer from back pain issues?
- Are you frustrated with stubborn abdominal fat?
- Are you looking to stimulate your immune system?
- Are you suffering from health issues related to hypothermia?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any one of the above questions, the BioBelt may be the perfect fit for you!
The BioBelt generates Smooth Far Infrared Rays from 8 unique gem stones to reduce abdominal fat, provide relief from back pain, and deliver thermotherapeutic treatment to the abdominal area (increasing serotonin and heat shock protein). Versatile and adjustable, the BioBelt is an easy way to integrate the benefits of Smooth Far Infrared technology into your daily life. The BioBelt has a completely different vibration from the BioMat.Address Hypothermia and Melt Away Stubborn Belly Fat
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Cholesterol are but a few of the prevalent diseases that are suffered by many people today, and usually occur due to excessive abdominal fat. The main reason abdominal fat increases in our body is deeply related to hypothermia. Our internal organs need warmth in order to conduct effective digestion and maintain our immune system.Have you tried diet after diet and perhaps even lost weight, only to
remain frustrated with stubborn belly fat that just won’t budge? The
reason is due to your body’s need for heat in the abdominal region. If
the area remains cold, the body will create it’s own source of heat by
retaining layers of fat for the purpose of warming and protecting your
own vital organs. This is why abdominal fat can be so difficult to get
rid off in spite of dieting (which further lowers body temperature) and
working out.
Relieve Back Pain
Your back supports everything you do every day, from sitting and standing to exercising. Poor posture, as a result of bad habits, weak muscles or abdominal weight that pulls the body forward and out of alignment can result in acute to chronic back pain later in life. In this way, the BioBelt provides support for the abdomen and back to realign into a better posture position. Applying the smooth far-infrared radiant energy to the back, helps to ease back pain and allows you get on with living your life vibrantly and energetically again!Primary Benefits of the BioBelt, when used regularly:
- Reduces back pain
- Eliminates abdominal fat
- Increases serotonin
- Strengthens immune system
Thermotherapy Increases Immunity
An increase in Serotonin and Heat Shock Protein (which serves a protective function against infection and cellular stress) results from Thermotherapy Treatments while lying on a BioMat and applying the BioBelt to the abdominal area.
Research shows that Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that exists in the brain, also exists in the intestines. It is well known that 90% of Serotonin exists in the small intestine. Our intestine uses the neurotransmitter Serotonin, to balance the active immune functions of the body.
There are 100 trillion, and 500 different types, of bacilli living inside our intestines. Among these there are also beneficial bacterium such as Bifidus and Lactic Acid, which increase our immunity, while harmful bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens, bacillus and staphylococcus lead to a decrease in immunity.
By warming the abdominal region with smooth far infrared rays, beneficial bacteria are activated producing HSP (Heat Shock Protein) and increasing our immunity levels.
Additional Uses for the BioBelt:
- Targeted pain relief – wrap around your thigh, calf, knees, over your shoulders for soothing pain relief.
- Constipation relief – rub Organic Castor Oil across the lower abdomen, then place a small 100% cotton towel between the skin and the BioBelt to prevent staining. This greatly stimulates peristalsis.
- Stress relief – Wearing the BioBelt backwards across the kidneys, brings more ‘life force energy’ to the kidneys while lowering cortisol production in the adrenals.
- Amethyst: Known as the jewel of healing
- Green Jade: Generates deep, smooth far-infrared rays
- Tiger Eye: Reduces pain and relaxes the nerves
- Tourmaline: Generates natural anions
- Clear Quartz: Contains strong in-body purification functions
- Citrine: Stabilizes the mind
- Topaz: Generates strong far-infrared rays
- Elvan: Discharges bodily waste through the deep reaching effect of far-infrared rays
The BioBelt comes in 2 adjustable sizes:
Regular: 54” x 6.5” (approximately 26” adjustable Velcro strap)XLarge: 76”x6.5” (approximately 26” adjustable Velcro strap)
Order your BioBelt today for only $500 and start melting abdominal fat, ease back pain, and stimulate your immune system while you work, relax, read a book, watch TV and much more! Order at JES Organics
I have been using the BioBelt for almost 5 weeks now and have lost 3" around my waist. I encourage people when they get one to take one Detoxi salt in water, which will help to break up the visceral fat around the waist. You can also spray some Detoxi around your abdomen, lay a thin towel over it and then the BioBelt Belt. You can also lay BioBelt over your stomach while laying on the BioMat.
*Average results may vary. The average consumer results have not been calculated as this is a new product to the market.
Healing Sage
Did You Know...
Sage is an herb that most of us know best for its distinct and delicious flavor in everything from sausage to sauces to stuffing. Less well known, by far, is that the soft, grey-green leaves of this plant have powerful medicinal applications. Sage (Salvia officinalis), is a part of the mint family, whose members derive their distinctive tastes... smells... and medicinal effects from their essential oils, some of which are antimicrobial.
Studies have shown that sage has extensive antifungal and antiviral properties. It's a useful treatment for inflammations and irritations of the mouth and throat. Most exciting is the possibility that sage could be the secret to winning the war on strep throat.
Healing Strep Without Antibiotics
There are several million cases of strep throat in the United States every year. About 9,000-11,500 of those cases progress into something called invasive GAS disease, which is severe and sometimes fatal. Two of the most well known varieties of GAS disease are necrotizing fasciitis, or "the flesh-eating bacteria," as the media calls it, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) which causes widespread organ failure.
One of the trickiest parts of treating even a mild type of GAS infection is that those infections tend to recur. The rampant over-prescription of antibiotics, resulting in resistant strains of bacteria, no doubt contributes to this. Research indicates that sage, especially when combined with other natural remedies, can be used to treat the full symptoms of strep.
Proven Immunity Enhancer
Sage has special properties that make it a powerful immune protector. The herb contains a broad spectrum of...
No matter where you live, says Dr. Linda B. White, "you can probably find an herbal ally [sage] at the local grocery store." If you're seeking to treat a cough or nasal congestion, White suggests adding a handful of sage leaves, which work as "decongesting and expectorant" agents, to boiling water. "Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes," she says, "then remove the lid, lean over, corral the vapors with a towel, and inhale deeply."
JES Organics Updates
Fibromyalgia In Men
What Is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is an illness characterized by chronic pain, persistent fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory problems and mood shifts, as well as other disturbing and even debilitating symptoms. The American College of Rheumatology estimates that 2 percent to 4 percent of the population has fibromyalgia; but the exact figures are not known because of both missed diagnoses and misdiagnoses, especially among men.[1] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that the female-to-male ratio for fibromyalgia is 7:1. [2]
The disease is usually diagnosed using criteria established by the American College of Rheumatology that were revised in 2010. One of the former criteria involved 18 trigger points — locations on the body that are painful when pressed. This criterion has been replaced by the Widespread Pain Index, a more comprehensive view of the various factors associated with pain.
Studies Of Fibromyalgia In Men
A study published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research explored why men who tell their doctors about fibromyalgia symptoms are less likely to be diagnosed with the disease. According to the study’s lead author, Ann Vincent, M.D., medical director of Mayo Clinic’s Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Clinic, “Health care providers may not think of this diagnosis when face to face with a male patient with musculoskeletal pain and fatigue.”
The Mayo Clinic epidemiology study involved a survey of adults living in Olmsted County, Minn., and asked them if they experienced the hallmark symptoms of fibromyalgia. Of the 830 people who answered the survey, 5.3 percent (44 individuals) met the criteria, but only 12 had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
When it came to gender differences, the researchers discovered that the discrepancy between the people who said they had fibromyalgia symptoms and those who were actually diagnosed was greatest among men — 20 times greater. In comparison, three times more women reported symptoms than were diagnosed. [3]
It appears that men experience fibromyalgia differently than women do, at least according to some research. The latest evidence appears in Pain Medicine (December 2012); 24 men and 24 women with diagnosed fibromyalgia were studied. Although women reported having greater pain intensity, more tender locations and more depression than men, men reported having pain for a longer time and more disability than women. In addition, women tended to have greater pain in the cervical spine, second rib, buttocks and index finger than men, while males reported greater pain over the neck. [4]
Fibromyalgia And Sexual Function
Since fibromyalgia involves significant pain and fatigue, it’s easy to understand how it can be associated with erectile dysfunction. Researchers decided to study this problem in a recent study that included 37 sexually active men who had fibromyalgia and 30 healthy controls. Using a variety of scales, the investigators determined that men with fibromyalgia had significantly lower scores on the International Index of Erectile Function when compared with controls and that the lower scores correlated with pain and other physical symptoms of sexual health. The authors concluded that fibromyalgia “leads to an impairment in the sexual function in male patients, which is especially strongly associated with age, widespread pain and the quality of life.”[5]
Take-Home Message
If you experience symptoms of fibromyalgia and have not been diagnosed with the disease and/or have not found relief from your symptoms, you should seek help from medical professionals who are familiar with the disease, such as rheumatologists or chronic pain specialists. Although there is no known cure for fibromyalgia, there are conventional and alternative/complementary treatment options available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
[1]–American College of Rheumatology: http://www.rheumatology.org/practice/clinical/classification/fibromyalgia/2010_Preliminary_Diagnostic_Criteria.pdf
[2]–Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/fibromyalgia.htm
[3]–Prevalence of fibromyalgia: a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minn., using the Rochester Epidemiology project. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/acr.21896/abstract
[4]–Gender differences in pain severity, disability, depression and widespread pressure pain sensitivity in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome without comorbid conditions. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23171037
[5]–Sexuality of men with fibromyalgia: What are the factors that cause sexual dysfunction? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23124696