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Friday, October 26, 2012

JES Organics New Services in Boise, Idaho

JES Organics has now opened up a spa treatment room. We offer the following services:
  • Facial Massage
  • Bellanina Face Lift Massage
  • Chi Machine
  • Infrared BioMat
  • Consultation & Bio-Meridian Testing
  • PAL Visualization Meditation
If you live in the Boise, Idaho area, call us for more information or to make an appointment. 208-629-0444.

Bellanina Face Lift Massage

Imagine an all natural, holistic approach to obtaining and maintaining younger, smoother and healthier looking skin at any age. The Bellanina Facelift Massage is the answer you have been looking for to decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tone facial muscles and release unblock stuck energy.
Since 1989, the Bellanina Facelift Massage has been utilized by thousands of clients around the world. We have seen some amazing results including:

· Decrease in bags under the eyes
· Firmer cheeks and jaw line
· Neck appears smoother
· Naso-labial fold lines soften
· Skin looks smoother and skin tone evens
· Youthful glow
Our clients tell us that the Bellanina Facelift Massage has been the best choice they have made to improve the look and feel of their skin!

Chi Machine Benefits

Cellular Activation: The massage therapy action from the chi machine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, opening up the bronchioles to provide maximum oxygen access to your lungs. Simultaneously, the blood flow to and from them is increased. This enhances oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood and then to your body cells. This will excite cellular metabolism. We all are aware of the importance of oxygen to our bodies. A lack of oxygen weakens our immune system. This may lead to viral infections, damaged cells, bacterial growths, inflamed joints, serious heart and circulatory problems, toxic buildup in blood, and premature aging.
Spinal Balancing:Your body is relaxed in a supine position allowing no weight on the spine. This unit can have a correcting influence in certain conditions of spinal misalignment.
Improving the Immune System: The Chi Maschine's movement stimulates globulin production which increases the immune system's defense capacity. This also increases the movement of the lymph fluid in the body. Increased lymph flow cleanses and removes harmful substances from our tissues and increases our immune function. The lymphatic system has no "pump" action of its own. It relies on muscle contraction through deep breathing, exercise, and manual manipulation to move its fluid around in the body. The Chi Machine effectively moves the body's fluids and aids the Lymphatic system, especially in those who are physically challenged or do not get sufficient exercise. Lymphatic massage can be useful in cases of edema, sports injury,for people experiencing a sluggish immune system, or who suffer from a general lack of energy.
Blood Production:Blood is produced in the spleen and spinal bone marrow. The Chi Machine's massage action on the spine stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System which increases the spinal "marrow" blood production. Anyone who suffers from anemia may benefit from this massage action.
Restoration of Balance to the Autonomic Nervous System: If the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems fail to maintain a balanced function, problems such as insomnia, excessive dreaming, digestive problems, stomach pain, anxiety, constipation, palpitations, extensive forms of aches and pains as well as mental stress may surface. The Chi Machine influences the sympathetic nervous system so it can restore the vital balance it needs to function at its best.
Exercising Internal Organs and Building "Chi". "Chi" is a Chinese word referring to the life force or life energy. Chi increases the feeling of aliveness and well being. Chi is the permeating energy within the universe and it creates vitality: Western medical science is beginning to consider ancient eastern traditions. These eastern traditions emphasize healing and good health based on a life force energy, which flows in channels through all living forms. The Chi Machine aids in unblocking the "Chi" pathways and ensures a maximum flow of healing source throughout your body and organs. Dr. Nathan Lipton referred to this type of energy healing as Chiology.

Benefits of the BioMat:

  • Reduces stress and fatigue
  • Relieves anxiety and promotes relaxation
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Eases joint pain and stiffness
  • Provides warm, soothing pain relief
  • Eliminates toxins in the body
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Alleviates migraines and tension headaches
  • Reduces allergy symptoms
  • Improves immune system function
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Burns calories and controls weight
  • Improves muscle tone and skin quality

PAL Visualization

Visualization can strengthen your immune system, speed recovery, help you overcome pain and even help you to release yourself from damaging, unhealthy or addictive behaviors. Easy to use, portable, and equipped with a personal headset and custom light-emitting lenses that envelop the user in safely calibrated music, sound and light patterns designed to expand their state of awareness. Lay back close your eyes and be prepared for an amazing experience of learning and transformation. All of this is possible because of the uniquely formatted audio programs and the specialized glasses that allow the mind and body to relax and learn.
According to leading medical practitioners, scientists and psychologists, the human mind has the capacity to cause immediate, measurable and lasting physiological changes in the body.
New research shows that with visualization techniques, our mind can often accomplish what modern medicine, drugs and surgical techniques cannot.

Bio-Meridian Testing

Meridian Stress Assessment System (MSAS) testing measures the energy at the meridian points, which directs the practitioner to probable areas of imbalance. This technology is used in various health care practices around the world. It gives practitioners more information to consider, while trying to bring their client's energetic disturbances back into balance. Bio-Reportorization is designed to deliver long-term benefits to patients by quickly identifying areas of potential concern, and then focus on supporting core functional health. Patient symptoms, although important, provide only one piece of the data used to determine the optimal protocol for patients. Bio-Reportorization's strength lies in its ability to combine multiple sources of patient information to assist the practitioner in identifying the optimal protocol.

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